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Totem Power!: Leveling Up Your Shaman

>> Monday, January 14, 2013

1. Foreword
This is a guide which will tell which talents are the best to choose while leveling, so lets get started!

2. What's the best leveling spec?
The best (solo) leveling spec for the shaman is Enhancement. This is because of it's the most mana efficient tree there is, while it still maintains alot of damage.

3. The spec:

10 - 14:
Ancestral Knowledge - 5/5.

15 - 19:
Thundering Strikes - 5/5

Shamanistic Focus - 1/1

21 - 23:
Elemental Weapons - 3/3

Improved Ghost Wolf - 1/2 (only 1!)

25 - 29:
Flurry - 5/5

Spirit Weapons

31 - 33:
Mental Dexterity - 3/3

Improved Ghost Wolf: - 2/2

35 - 39:
Unleashed Rage - 5/5

Stormstrike - 1/1

Duel Wield: 1/1

42 - 44:
Duel Wild Specialization - 3/3

Lava Lash - 1/1

46 - 47:
Improved Stormstrike - 2/2

48 - 49:
Mental Quickness - 2/3

Shamanistic Rage - 1/1

Mental Quickness - 3/3

52 - 54:
Weapon Mastery - 3/3

55 - 59:
Maelstrom Weapon - 5/5

Feral Spirit - 1/1

61 - 65:
Concussion - 5/5

66 - 68:
Elemental Devastation - 3/3

69 - 70:
Call of Flame - 2/3

71 - 75:
Elemental Fury - 5/5

Elemental Focus - 1/1

77 - 80:
Reverberation - 4/5

5. Abilities and Rotations

Always take the slowest weapon available

1 - 9:

- Until you gain Earthshock, simply spam Lightning Bolt, after that only attack and:
- Use Earthshock when available
- Use Lightning Shield always.
- Enchant your weapon with Rockbitter
- Use the best DPS weapon, be it 1H + shield or 2H (the slow weapon part does not apply here)

Rotation: Auto attack + Earth shock when possible. Always keep up Lightning Shield.

10 - 19:

- Same as above but:
- Use Flametongue instead of Rockbitter.

Rotation: Auto attack + Earth shock when possible. Always keep up Lightning Shield.

20 - 29

- Same as above but:
- Use Water Shield always.

Rotation: Same as above. Always keep up Water Shield.

30 - 39

- Always use Water Shield
- Use Windfury weapon.
- Always take a 2H weapon with a speed of 3.0 or more.

Rotation: Auto attack + Earthshock. Always keep up Water Shield

40 - 49

- Start duelwielding at level 44 because you will miss to much without the hit talents.
- Same as above.

Rotation: Stormstrike > Earthshock > Lava Lash > Water Shield.
Note: Whenever you have a Windfury weapon effect, wait 3 seconds before using Stormstrike/Lava Lash, Windfury has a 3 second, invisible, Cooldown.

50 - 74.
- Keep up Water Shield always.
- Use windfury weapon enchant.
- Use Shamanistic Rage when you're out of mana.

Rotation: Stormstrike > Earthshock > Lava Lash > 5/5 MW Lightning Bolt* > Watershield.
Whenever you have 5/5 Mealstrom Weapon, use Lightning Bolt, if you don't, skip it, but use it as soon as possible.

75 - 80
- Same as above
- Use Lava Burst instead of Lightning bolt[/b].
- At a boss fight, always have flame shock on the target. Simply do Fire shock > Eartshock > (renew) Fire shock, in the same rotation.

Fire Shock > Stormstrike > [b]Lava Lash > [b]Earthshock > [b]Lava Burst.

6. Tips

- Use Earhtliving if you are going to heal for an instance.
- Whenever you are at a boss fight, drop: Strenght of Earth, Flametongue totem, Windfury and Healing/Mana stream totem.

- Just heal yourself with Lesser Healing Wave whenever you want.
- Bandages help aswel, use this if you have the feeling you are using to much mana (to heal).

- The best options are Skinning/Mining, they make lots of money, skinning gives critical strike rating and mining gives health (this little bonus was added in patch 3.0). These bonusses are small and useally not needed at all, there just a nice choice.

Original post by: Trollvink


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