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Holy Priests: Gearing up pre-raid style.

>> Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Gearing Your Fresh 70 Holy Priest: My Recommendations

As Holy Priests, the main stats we are concerned with are +healing, mana per five, intellect, spirit, and stamina (yes, stamina is up there since we can’t heal if we’re dead). I’ve compiled a list here of the best possible pre-raiding gear you can acquire before venturing into Karazhan. I will also list your gem choices and possible enchants. The ideal professions for Priests would be enchanting and tailoring as we get some awesome BoP recipes for us to use only. This helps maximize our healing and means less dungeon instances we need to do. I know there may be better items to get out there, but this Burning Crusade priest healing gear list shows you the quickest and most cost effective way to gear up your Priest.

Watcher’s Cowl (+79 Healing): It costs about 13 gold but is quite possible one of the best blue cloth healing pieces in the game. I’ve even seen resto druids use it (because they can’t find anything better?). You need to be Revered with Cenarion Expedition to purchase and equip it. Find it at the Quartermaster at the CE Camp in Zangarmarsh.

Necklace of Eternal Hope (+48 Healing, 8 Mana Per 5): This one will set you back about 25 heroic badges. If you don’t think you’re geared properly enough for heroics yet, then try the next one which is a little longer to get.

Natasha’s Guardian Cord (+55 Healing, 6 Mana Per 5): You can get this neckpiece from Blade’s Edge Mountains. It’s at the end of a ridiculously long chain quest which starts when you find a Mask on the Ground that you hear voices from. The 9th step in the quest will reward you with this decent neck.

Sethekk Oracle’s Focus (+35 Healing, 8 Mana Per 5): Go to Sethekk Halls, get the quest to kill Darkweaver Syth, kill Darkweaver Syth, turn in quest. Voila! Easy neck!

Primal Mooncloth Shoulders (+92 Healing, 7 Mana Per 5): This is a Tailoring Mooncloth recipe which is BoP. It requires:

8 Primal Mooncloth
8 Primal Life
2 Netherweb Spider Silk
But boy is it worth it. The pattern will cost you 6G.

Hallowed Pauldrons: With the amount of times you’ll be running Shadow Labs, odds are high this will drop for you. Grandmaster Vorpil will have this for you.

White Remedy Cape: Easiest cape you can possibly get. It’s a tailoring BoE blue. The pattern itself is a world drop. If you put a tell in trade chat, hopefully you’ll be able to find someone who can create it on your server. It’s Level 69 so you can start shopping for it a little earlier. If you’re on Ner’Zhul, look up Mallet and I can craft it for you. Here’s the mats requirement:

6 Bolt of Imbued Netherweave
6 Primal Life

Primal Mooncloth Robe (+121 Healing, 10 Mana Per 5): Best. Healing. Chest. Pre-raid. Ever. If you don’t have Mooncloth tailoring, drop whatever profession it is you have and use it. It’s just about on par with T4.

Hallowed Garments: Killing Murmer could yield this drop for you as well. Good alternative for you non-tailors.

Bindings of the Timewalker (+64 Healing): Have a lot of time on your hands? Go run Black Morass a billion times. This sweet bracer comes at a not so sweet price of about 43G and lost hours better spent playing hockey or watching the Office.

Veteran’s Mooncloth Cuffs: The time required to grind out the Honor for this vs the Bindings of the Time Walker would work out in favour of these cuffs. One weekend in Alterac Valley should yield you enough honor points for this PvP item.

Gloves of Penitence (+46 Healing): Chances are you might have this. All you had to do was kill Levixus the Soul Caller and it’s yours.

Prismatic Mittens of Mending (+55 Healing, 7 Mana Per 5): Consider upgrading to these once you get the Gloves. The first boss in Botanica, Commander Sarannis drops them.

Primal Mooncloth belt (+81 Healing, 8 Mana per 5): Finish out the set, get a set bonus where you gain mana back (5% of your mana regen to continue while casting). Like the shoulders, this pattern is also 6G. Mats are:

4 Primal Mooncloth
2 Netherweb Spider Silk
8 Primal Life

Whitemend Pants (+62 Healing, 11 Mana Per 5): The difficulty here would be finding a tailor with the pattern who has a Nether available for use. Nether costs have dropped in price so it shouldn’t be as as before the patch when the only way to get them was killing the end boss in Heroics.

Jeweled Boots of Sanctification (+55 Healing, 6 Mana Per 5): Dropped by the big bad confused Ogre from Shattered Halls who doesn’t know which way he’s going.

Keeper’s Ring of Piety (+42 Healing, 7 Mana Per 5): This one’s easy to get. If you’ve been following your Karazhan attunements, then you will have this one by now. The Quest is given by Sa’at in the Caverns of time after you’ve completed Hero of the Brood.

Ring of Convalescence (+57 Healing, 4 Mana Per 5): Requires you to be Revered with Honor Hold (Or Thrallmar). Will cut into your gold pouch with a price of about 18G. Pick it up from the Quartermaster.

Lower City Prayerbook (+70 Healing): Yeah the on use effect sucks. But just look at the passive ability! Besides, -22 mana isn’t that bad. Any mana saved is mana that can be used later. Think of endurance fights. Think of how often you you will use it and think of what that mana can be used for later. Requires a Revered Reputation with Lower City (Shadow Labs loves you).

Scarab of the Infinite Cycle (+70 Healing): Spell haste rating is cool. It makes your spells go faster. Too bad it requires running Black Morass a couple of times.

Weapons (Staff)
Epoch-Mender (+227 Healing, 10 Mana Per 5): For a staff, it’s not the greatest. It drops off of Temporus in the Black Morass. Personally, I would stick to a 1 Hand/Off hand combination until later on. But it’s still a decent staff. If you’re Scryer, opt for the Seer’s Cane instead.

Weapons (1 Hand)
The Essence Focuser (+227 Healing, 11 Mana Per 5): Scout your local auction house as it is a world drop. Unfortunately, no stats.

Gavel of Pure Light (+299 Healing, 8 Mana Per 5): Do lots of Mechanar runs to increase your rep. You need Exalted to be able to buy this from the Quartermaster. This will really make your wallet hurt with a near 192G cost. If you’re lucky, you might be able to get Hammer of the Penitent to drop off of the Mechano-Lord in Mech. Either way, you’ll get a good mace to use.

Weapons (Off Hand)
Netherwing Spiritualist’s Charm (+33 Healing, 6 Mana Per 5): Once you become neutral with Netherwing, you’ll get this as a reward. Head down to Shadowmoon Valley and look for an Elf wandering around killing Flayers just below the Netherdrakes.

Soul-Wand of the Aldor (+22 Healing): Hands down, the best wand you’ll get for a long time.

Enchants & Other Augments
Glyph of Renewal (or for Horde) (+35 Healing, 7 Mana Per 5): This goes on your head. Requires Honor Hold/Thrallmar reputation of revered. Costs 100G.

Greater Inscription of Faith or Greater Inscription of the Oracle: Depends on which faction you chose (Aldor or Scryer). Aldor for the win!

Enchant Cloak – Subtlety: Wait for Patch 2.2 and Enchanters will be able to get this beauty. It’s updated for BC materials. It reduces the threat you cause by 2%. That means 2% more healing! Whee!

Enchant Chest – Restore Mana Prime (6 Mana Per 5): Easy to get. You’ll want this.

Enchant Bracer – Superior Healing (+30 Healing): Same thing. 4 Primal Life’s and 4 Greater Planar Essences and your bracer got a whole lot better.

Enchant Gloves – Major Healing (+35 Healing): Ouch. In addition to 6 Greater Planars and 6 Primal Lifes, now you need 6 Large Prismatic Shards. Put it on the best possible gloves you have knowing that you won’t be replacing it for a while.

Enchant Weapon – Spellsurge: This unique enchant has a 3% chance on cast to restore 100 mana (not 100% mana) to all party members over 10 seconds. This is most useful in a raid environment, but there is a lot of debate between this and +81 Healing. Hopefully one of my other fellow Priest bloggers will dwell on this topic (Ego? Kurt? Anyone? Eh, guess not. I’ll get around to it eventually).

Enchant Weapon – Major Healing (+81 Healing): Stick to this for now. It’s cheaper.

Enchant Boots – Vitality (4 Mana Per 5): Restores Health and Mana every 5 seconds. The enchant is a world drop.

Enchant Ring – Healing Power (+20 Healing): Remember when I told you to take up Tailoring and Enchanting? Here’s the other half of the reason why. Enchanters are able to enchant their own rings (Must be Soulbound).
Golden Spellthread (+66 Healing): Here’s a big hint: Put this on your Whitemend Pants. You’ll need 10 Primal Life’s and an Aldor Exalted Tailor with a Primal Nether. If you’re on Ner’Zuhl as Alliance, send Mallet a tell and I’ll do it for you.

Purified Shadow Pearl (+9 Healing, 4 Spirit): Spirit changes in recent patches have modified the Priest choice of gems rather extensively. The ideal blue slot gem now belongs to these Shadow Pearls. Bear in mind, they’re not something that can be mined or prospected easily so the cost of acquiring these might be higher than normal.

Sparkling Star of Elune (8+ Spirit): This is another option for you if you’d like to focus more exclusively on mana regen. But at an early level, having both +healing and mana regen should be worked on simultaneously.

Royal Nightseye (+9 Healing, 2 Mana Per 5): This is your best friend. Most of the time, you’ll want to get a yellow gem for the socket bonus. Personally I say it’s hogwash. Most of your red and blue’s should be Nightseyes. There’s not a lot of gear where the socket bonus is good enough to warrant not using a Nightseye.

Teardrop Living Ruby (+18 Healing): I don’t use this at all personally. I heavily favor Mana Per 5 over miniscule amounts of +healing. It’s only 9 more than the Nightseye. I do not foresee it making a huge impact.

Luminous Noble Topaz (+9 Healing): For the rare pieces that do have a kickass bonus when you slot in a yellow gem, use one of these babies.

Conclusions and the Math
I’ve factored in my top choices in gear and included the best enchants, augments, and recommended gems. Here’s the final numbers:

Head: 135 Healing, 24 Mana Per 5 (Whitemend Hood, 3 x Royal Nightseye, Glyph of Renewal)

Neck: 48 Healing, 4 Mana Per 5 (Necklace of Eternal Hope)

Shoulders: 125 Healing, 11 Mana Per 5 (Primal Mooncloth Shoulders with the Aldor Greater Faith Inscription)

Back: 59 Healing, 7 Mana Per 5 (White Remedy Cape)

Chest: 139 Healing, 20 Mana Per 5 (Primal Mooncloth Robe, 2 x Royal Nightseye, Enchant Chest – Restore Mana Prime)

Bracer: 94 Healing (Bindings of the Timewalker, Enchant Bracer – Superior Healing)

Gloves: 90 Healing, 7 Mana Per 5 (Prismatic Mittens of Mending, Enchant Gloves – Major Healing)

Waist: 99 Healing, 12 Mana Per 5 (Primal Mooncloth Belt, 2 x Royal Nightseye)

Legs: 154 Healing, 17 Mana Per 5 (Whitemend Pants, 3 x Royal Nightseye, Golden Spellthread)

Feet: 55 Healing, 10 Mana Per 5 (Jeweled Boots of Sanctification, Enchant Boots – Vitality)

Ring: 77 Healing, 4 Mana Per 5 (Ring of Convalescence, Enchant Ring – Healing Power)

Ring: 62 Healing, 7 Mana Per 5 (Keeper’s Ring of Piety, Enchant Ring – Healing Power)

Trinket: 70 Healing (Lower City Prayberook)

Trinket: 70 Healing (Scarab of the Infinite Cycle)

Weapon 1H: 380 Healing (Gavel of Pure Light, Enchant Weapon – Major Healing)

Weapon OH: 33 Healing, 6 Mana Per 5 (Netherwing Spiritualist’s Charm)


1690 Healing (Does not include the Whitemend Bonus. Factor that in, and you’ll get healing increased by up to 10% of your intellect. So you could easily be looking at over 1700 Healing)

129 Mana Per 5 (Note that this is just from the gear. I did not calculate spirit bonuses into it)

With those kinds of numbers, you can easily begin raiding Karazhan. I started doing it with ~1300 Healing.

And there you have it! Matticus’ recommended pre-raiding checklist for the Holy Priest. If I’m wrong somewhere, please leave a comment and I’ll fix it. Remember, there are better blues out there you can get, but I only listed those that offer the best value for the buck (and time).

*Due to some errors on the http://db.hellground.net site, some of the links are from wowhead.com and stats might not be the same, but the suggestion as to it's value in game still stands. Links will be updated as the db.hellground.net site updates is site, feel free to check it out for yourself.

original post by Matticus
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Totem Power!: Leveling Up Your Shaman

>> Monday, January 14, 2013

1. Foreword
This is a guide which will tell which talents are the best to choose while leveling, so lets get started!

2. What's the best leveling spec?
The best (solo) leveling spec for the shaman is Enhancement. This is because of it's the most mana efficient tree there is, while it still maintains alot of damage.

3. The spec:

10 - 14:
Ancestral Knowledge - 5/5.

15 - 19:
Thundering Strikes - 5/5

Shamanistic Focus - 1/1

21 - 23:
Elemental Weapons - 3/3

Improved Ghost Wolf - 1/2 (only 1!)

25 - 29:
Flurry - 5/5

Spirit Weapons

31 - 33:
Mental Dexterity - 3/3

Improved Ghost Wolf: - 2/2

35 - 39:
Unleashed Rage - 5/5

Stormstrike - 1/1

Duel Wield: 1/1

42 - 44:
Duel Wild Specialization - 3/3

Lava Lash - 1/1

46 - 47:
Improved Stormstrike - 2/2

48 - 49:
Mental Quickness - 2/3

Shamanistic Rage - 1/1

Mental Quickness - 3/3

52 - 54:
Weapon Mastery - 3/3

55 - 59:
Maelstrom Weapon - 5/5

Feral Spirit - 1/1

61 - 65:
Concussion - 5/5

66 - 68:
Elemental Devastation - 3/3

69 - 70:
Call of Flame - 2/3

71 - 75:
Elemental Fury - 5/5

Elemental Focus - 1/1

77 - 80:
Reverberation - 4/5

5. Abilities and Rotations

Always take the slowest weapon available

1 - 9:

- Until you gain Earthshock, simply spam Lightning Bolt, after that only attack and:
- Use Earthshock when available
- Use Lightning Shield always.
- Enchant your weapon with Rockbitter
- Use the best DPS weapon, be it 1H + shield or 2H (the slow weapon part does not apply here)

Rotation: Auto attack + Earth shock when possible. Always keep up Lightning Shield.

10 - 19:

- Same as above but:
- Use Flametongue instead of Rockbitter.

Rotation: Auto attack + Earth shock when possible. Always keep up Lightning Shield.

20 - 29

- Same as above but:
- Use Water Shield always.

Rotation: Same as above. Always keep up Water Shield.

30 - 39

- Always use Water Shield
- Use Windfury weapon.
- Always take a 2H weapon with a speed of 3.0 or more.

Rotation: Auto attack + Earthshock. Always keep up Water Shield

40 - 49

- Start duelwielding at level 44 because you will miss to much without the hit talents.
- Same as above.

Rotation: Stormstrike > Earthshock > Lava Lash > Water Shield.
Note: Whenever you have a Windfury weapon effect, wait 3 seconds before using Stormstrike/Lava Lash, Windfury has a 3 second, invisible, Cooldown.

50 - 74.
- Keep up Water Shield always.
- Use windfury weapon enchant.
- Use Shamanistic Rage when you're out of mana.

Rotation: Stormstrike > Earthshock > Lava Lash > 5/5 MW Lightning Bolt* > Watershield.
Whenever you have 5/5 Mealstrom Weapon, use Lightning Bolt, if you don't, skip it, but use it as soon as possible.

75 - 80
- Same as above
- Use Lava Burst instead of Lightning bolt[/b].
- At a boss fight, always have flame shock on the target. Simply do Fire shock > Eartshock > (renew) Fire shock, in the same rotation.

Fire Shock > Stormstrike > [b]Lava Lash > [b]Earthshock > [b]Lava Burst.

6. Tips

- Use Earhtliving if you are going to heal for an instance.
- Whenever you are at a boss fight, drop: Strenght of Earth, Flametongue totem, Windfury and Healing/Mana stream totem.

- Just heal yourself with Lesser Healing Wave whenever you want.
- Bandages help aswel, use this if you have the feeling you are using to much mana (to heal).

- The best options are Skinning/Mining, they make lots of money, skinning gives critical strike rating and mining gives health (this little bonus was added in patch 3.0). These bonusses are small and useally not needed at all, there just a nice choice.

Original post by: Trollvink
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Feral Tanking: Just Grin and Bear It.

>> Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Table of Contents:
1: Talent Builds
2: Stat Priority
3: Gearing Up
4: Enchants
5: Playstyle
6: Useful Macros
7: Your Role in a Raid

1: Talent Builds
A few talents that should be pointed out that have a huge impact on a Feral, besides the obvious core talents, are Nurturing Instinct and Natural Shapeshifter. These 2 talents are vital for different purposes, Nurturing Instinct being a great talent for extra threat from self-healing at the beginning of a pull. And Natural Shapeshifter (in combination with Furor, which every Feral should have) is needed for powershifting to maximize dps. I will discuss more on powershifting later in the "Playstyle" section. These are a few sample builds (with descriptions) designed to fit the different playstyles of each individual Feral out there:

The Average Bear:
This build is very well balanced, allowing for high-end brutal Bear tanking plus the devastating claws of the Cat for maximum dps. It sacrifices an incredibly small amount of survivability by having only 3/5 in Feral Aggression in order to obtain Natural Shapeshifter maxed on the Restoration talent tree. It lacks Nurturing Instinct, as this talent isn't absolutely necessary for tanking anyways.

The Momma Bear:
This build in almost entirely based around Bear Form, and has little room for talents that improve the Kitty within a Druid. However, even though Natural Shapeshifter isn't included, it doesn't mean that the Druid's Cat Form isn't useless with this spec. Nurturing Instinct 1/2 is included to help with initial threat at the beginning of a pull.

The Bear Cub:
This build is mostly designed for 5-man dungeons, however it can be used for raiding. The Kitty Form with this spec is extremely powerful, but lacks a hard hitting burst finisher due to 0/5 points in Feral Aggression. This is something that can be worked around, especially when Cat Form will hardly be used when doing 5-mans.

The Curious Kitty:
This build is completely focused around that precious Kitty Form that most Ferals wish they could use more often in PvE. No tanking with this build, since that Bear becomes very soft without Thick Hide. If you are in a raid core that doesn't have the need for a dps that can shove tank gear on and become a meat shield, then this is a great spec.

The Beast:
This build is obvious, PvP your heart out and rip your enemies to tiny shreds! Feral Druids lack a slowing effect in TBC, but it doesn't stop them from having an incredible amount of control and mobility to make up for it. Pounce, Maim, Dash, Feral Charge, Bash, Nature's Grasp, and Cyclone all have high potential when a Feral dominates their opponent by making use of quick shapeshifts with superior mobility while dealing large amounts of damage.

2: Stat Priority
I will only list the stat priority list for the fellow Bears out there, since this topic is designed to help Feral tanks eager to learn the spec. Some things that everyone should know about a Feral Druid's mechanics are that through your talents and spec, bears do not need to worry about defense rating, some might tell you other wise but you don't need to worry about it. Now with that being said, upping your def is not a bad thing as it does help you survivability a bit more then normal but you dungeon/raid tank without building up this stat. Agility gives more dodge chance per point than Dodge Rating, in addition to also giving crit chance and a small amount of extra Armor. Also, Druids are capable of achieving the armor cap for players once they are in T6. The Armor soft cap is 31,672 against trash mobs (level 70) and the hard cap is 35,880 against bosses (level 73). The soft cap should be aimed for immediately, but until you reach the hard cap, Armor increasing buffs such as Inspiration and Ancestral Healing will help fill the gap. Armor is a high priority since druids aren't capable of being immune to crushing blows (150% damage). Expertise is good for every tank, since it increases threat and reduces the amount of parry-hasted attacks you receive from a boss. The expertise soft cap is 26, which negates all dodges but leaves parry on the table still yet. Don't worry about trying to reach the expertise hard cap (eliminating parried attacks), it's impossible to reach in TBC. Though you won't be aiming for hit cap, I figured it would be good to state that the hit cap for druids, along with all other melee classes and hunters, is 9%. Classes that dual-wield can go over the hit cap without wasting stat points since it's only their soft cap, however anything that doesn't dual-wield will waste stats if they go over the cap. Here is the stat priority list:

1: Defense Rating - don't worry about it, bears are good in this stat naturally
2: Armor - Your eventual goal is to be Armor capped, so aim high.
3: Agility - This stat tends to be put lower in the focus but I think that is a big mistake. Agility will give you dodge rating and the more you dodge, the less damage you take. If you doubt, take some time and try stacking more stam instead (which is what some bears do). You will notice that healers like you a lot more if you stack agility.
4: Stamina - This stat is a must after bringing up your agility. Remember, you don't need a ton of health if they can't hit you or can't hit you very hard.
5: Expertise Rating - Reduces the chance that the enemy can dodge or parry you, increasing your threat and survivability.
6: Dodge Rating - Though not as valuable as Agility, it's good to have on non-leather gear.
7: Hit Rating - Not hitting an enemy can cause a load of problems, primarily loss of threat.
8: Crit Rating - Good for boosting threat and maintaining a healthier rage bar.
9: Strength - Threat increasing stat that scales with raid buffs, making it very attractive.
10: Armor Penetration - Great threat boost, this will be on many high-end pieces of leather gear.
11: Haste Rating - Should be generally avoided if you have a low amount of Expertise Rating.
12: Intellect - Increases the amount of times you can shapeshift during a fight, not as important for tanking as it is for dps.

3: Gearing Up
This is a short section that I will use to simply outline the type of gear that you will want to aim for as a Bear. One of the first things that you'll want to do is obtain an entire set of leather gear that has bonus Armor (Armor text will be in green). A great set of pre-raid gear for a Bear is the Heavy Clefthoof set. Every tier set for Ferals has bonus Armor, along with many other leather and cloak raid drops. Another priority in gearing up is to obtain a "Feral Staff" or a "Feral Mace". These are weapons that specifically give bonus attack power in your Feral forms. A good starter weapon to aim for is the Wildcaller, which is a quest reward (both Aldor and Scryer appropreate rep quests are available) in Shadowmoon Valley. Now then, one of the hardest parts about gearing a Feral Druid is obtaining necklace, cloak, rings, and trinkets which do not have Parry Rating, Block Rating, or Block Value on them. These stats do absolutely nothing for a Bear, so it should be common sense to avoid them at all costs. A good trinket to shoot for when first beginning the gearing process is the Badge of Tenacity, since Armor and Agility are such attractive stats. And finally, since a Druid is one of the 3 hybrid classes (other 2 being Paladin and Shaman), you will be needing a Relic. Druids use Idols in the Relic slot, and the best one possible to get as a Bear is the famed Idol of Terror. This is your easiest best-in-slot item to obtain as a Feral Druid, only costing 20 Badges of Justice. When socketing your gear with gems, the best meta gem to use is either Relentless Earthstorm Diamond because of the Agility or Powerful Earthstorm Diamond for the extra Stamina.

4: Enchants
Something that many people may not know about enchants for a Feral Druid is that anything that affects your weapon damage (+7 weapon damage for example) or chance on hit procs (Mongoose for example) will not work in Feral forms. So, that narrows down your weapon enchant selection to only one option. Also, I list Boar's Speed as the best boots enchant because it's only 3 Stamina less than Fortitude and makes up for the loss with a minor run speed increase. Here is the list of best available enchants for a Feral Druid:

Head: Glyph of the Defender - Revered with Keepers of Time.
Shoulder: Greater Inscription of Warding or Greater Inscription of the Knight - Exalted with either Aldor or Scryers respectively.
Cloak: Greater Agility - 310 Enchanting.
Chest: Exceptional Stats - 345 Enchanting.
Bracer: Fortitude - 350 Enchanting.
Gloves: Superior Agility - 300 Enchanting.
Leggings: Nethercleft Leg Armor - 365 Leatherworking.
Boots: Boar's Speed - 360 Enchanting.
Ring: Stats - 375 Enchanting (self-enchant only).
Weapon: Major Agility - 360 Enchanting.

5: Playstyle
Not every Bear or Kitty plays the same. However, every one of them knows what their job is - ripping everything to shreds that gets in their way of epic loot! Bears operate much like a Warrior when tanking, having to prioritize debuffs on the enemy while maintaining a good amount of threat. So, without further ado I present to you the priority system:

Demoralizing Roar > Lacerate > Mangle > Faerie Fire

During tough situations, a Bear doesn't have many options for survival. Depending on whether you are being directly attacked, you may be able to shift into caster (don't worry, you won't be out of Bear Form long enough for anyone to notice) and use Barkskin. Also, Barkskin can be used directly before a pull to reduce damage for a few seconds. Bears also have Frenzied Regeneration, which is a decent heal and the only survival cooldown available without shifting out of Bear Form. The downside to using this ability is it consumes rage, so you don't want to use it unless you know that you can maintain threat for the few moments that it will cause you to be rage starved. Rage starvation is a very bad thing, so be kind and feed the Bear as many hits as he or she can eat.

As a Kitty, a very intriguing part of the playstyle is the art of powershifting. By shifting out of Cat Form and then back in when your energy supply hits rock bottom, a Feral Druid with the Furor talent is able to gain 40 energy for the cost of a little bit of mana. This should be done between energy ticks, so that you don't lose 20 energy while in caster form.

6: Useful Macros
Ah, my favorite part of this game's mechanics. Macros are very important, and depending on your playstyle, you may find yourself with a full list of macros on your Feral Druid before you know it. When making a macro that you wish to use trinkets in, you can simplify it by using numbers 13 and 14 since they are the corresponding numbers for your trinket slots. Here are some very good macros that I have used for a long time:

#showtooltip Dire Bear Form(Shapeshift)
/cancelaura Dire Bear Form
/cast [nomodifier] Dire Bear Form(Shapeshift)

#showtooltip Cat Form(Shapeshift)
/cancelaura Cat Form
/cast [nomodifier] Cat Form(Shapeshift)

/cast [form:1] [form:3] Faerie Fire (Feral)(Rank 5); [noform] Faerie Fire

/cast Mangle (Bear)(Rank 3)
/cast !Maul

/cast Lacerate

/cast [stealth] Pounce; [nostealth] Maim

/cast [stealth] Ravage; [nostealth] Shred

/cast Tiger's Fury
/use 13
/use 14

Also, you can use macros to instantly switch Idols for use with different abilities. Equipping an Idol of the Raven Goddess prior to shifting into an affected form allows the bonus to remain, even after equipping a different Idol while in that form. Here's the ones that are valuable for Ferals:

#showtooltip Dire Bear Form(Shapeshift)
/equip Idol of the Raven Goddess
/cast Dire Bear Form(Shapeshift)

#showtooltip Cat Form(Shapeshift)
/equip Idol of the Raven Goddess
/cast Cat Form(Shapeshift)

#showtooltip Mangle (Bear)(Rank 3)
/equip Idol of Terror
/cast Mangle (Bear)(Rank 3)
/cast !Maul

#showtooltip Mangle (Cat)(Rank 3)
/equip Idol of the White Stag
/cast Mangle (Cat)(Rank 3)

#showtooltip Lacerate
/equip Idol of Ursoc
/cast Lacerate

#showtooltip Rip
/equip Idol of Feral Shadows
/cast Rip

#showtooltip Rake
/equip Idol of Savagery
/cast Rake

#showtooltip [stealth] Ravage; [nostealth] Shred
/equip [nostealth] Everbloom Idol
/cast [stealth] Ravage; [nostealth] Shred

7: Your Role in the Raid
There are a few reasons why a Feral Druid is such a desired spec to have in a raid:

1: You are the most versatile spec in the game, capable of fulfilling 2 roles in a raid using the same spec.
2: Leader of the Pack, it's what every melee and hunter dps will absolutely love you for.
3: Mangle applies a debuff that increases bleed damage by 30%, which rogues and warriors in the raid will enjoy mildly.

In addition to these perks, playing a Feral is very fun and rewarding. And of course, the number 1 rule of raiding as a Feral Druid: You must always remain in a Feral Form for fear that your clothes have disappeared somehow... Buffing, battle resurrection, using Barkskin, drinking a potion, or mounting up are the only excuses for breaking this rule!

If you enjoyed this post, check out our other guides in this site.

Originally posted by: Scruff

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SuccuWhat?: A guide to warlocks in Burning Crusade.

>> Monday, December 10, 2012

I: Important Warlock Stats

These are the stats in order of importance(In my opinion).
1.Spell Hit
2.Spell Damage
3.Spell Crit
4.Spell Haste
5.Spell penetration

1. Spell hit
1%= 12.6 spell hit
cap=202 spell hit

  • The need for spell hit is very high with PvE warlocks. Warlocks sadly do not have a spell hit talent for its most important tree(destruction). Early on with raiding(when your just starting karazhan), Suppression can benefit warlocks with affliction spells(DoTs) but geting the spell hit cap from gear/gems should ultimately be the first thing on the warlock's agenda.
  • The spell hit cap is 202, anything over is a waste of gems/itemization. Many people(noobs) disagree with this and think crit or even pure damage is more important, but the problem is if you can't HIT then you can't CRIT or DAMAGE.The thing i found that helped me the most when i just hit 70 was choosing scryers and getting the spell hit trinket, and enchanting my gloves wisely with the +hit enchant. Be wise when you gear up, dont sacrifice 40 damage for 15 hit.. Just keep the goal of 202 in mind.If your in a raid with any Draenei (shaman would be best) you get 4 % Spell hit from the Draenei's Inspiring Presence and a Totem of Wrath from the shaman.

Important/Easy to get items/enchants












Gems-Great Dawnstone, Veiled Noble Topaz

2. Spell damage

  • This is the next important stat for us,especially with affliction. In early karazhan it is good to have 600 shadow damage minimum but it is easy to achieve at least 1000(with fel armor) with the Spellstrike and Shadoweave sets. Seeing how getting money is cake nowadays with all the dailys available I recommend everyone tries to get the Spellstrike and Shadoweave sets because they can last you for quite a while. As Affliction, DoT's get a larger bonus from +dmg than SB.
  • Shadow's Emrace (Shadoweave Set)
  • Spellstrike Infusion (Spellstrike Set)
  • Spell damage coefficient - WoWWiki - Your guide to the World of Warcraft 

3. Spell crit 
1% spell crit is equivalent to 22.1 spell crit rating.

  • Spell crit is pretty much useless until deeper into raiding when you are Destruction. As Destruction you gain a total of 8 % crit to Destruction spells from talents(5 % isn't shown on the character page however)

Most peple don't socket pure +Crit because it never is that important.

4. Spell haste 
1% spell haste is equivalent to 15.7 spell haste rating.

  • Spell haste is a weird stat to talk about. It is complex because it scales with how much your other stats are (crit, dmg). So if those 2 are low you won't see much improvement from haste. Because of this, warlocks don't really bother with much haste until Sunwell, where it really starts to shine.  If you really want to try gathering haste pieces, the most you find are located in Zul'Aman. However the haste on the pieces from ZA give a big expense to your damage and crit so they aren't very good pieces.The only really good pieces(and thus exceptions to my last comment) are the Fetish of the Primal Gods and Mana Attuned Band which is one of the best rings in game for +hit casters.

5. Spell penetration 
This stat is pretty much useless for PvE so do not bother with it.

  • Stamina, Intellect, there really isn't a reason in PvE to gear up for these stats specifically unless your creating a set for tanking for fights such as Leotheras, Kael'Thas and later on illidan. These stats will improve as needed on their own as you gear up through raiding. 

II: Specs

You will be Affliction from Karazhan until TK/SSC. This is because the level of gear needed for destruction to be viable starts in those instances.

The common spec is 41/17/0
You get 3 points to spend on imp HS or whatever you may want.
Talk with the warlocks in your raid guild. It is common to set up talents to have 3 different ranks of Healthstones at one point in the raid (one warlock with 0/2, one with 1/2 and one with 2/2).

This spec is pretty good DPS in the earlier raids but it falls behind in T5/T6 content. The utility of this spec however doesn't. It is nice to have an affliction warlock at all times (even in Hyjal/BT) due to the utility of the spec( Malediction and Shadow Embrace). If all the locks in your raid are destruction and you particularly enjoy Affliction, have a talk with your raid/guild leader and try to set up something. If you want to be of even more utility, you can spec those 3 leftover points into Improved Imp and ask to be put in the tank group to help with +stamina.

There is another affliction spec common with more endgame raids which is 40/0/21. This spec helps because later on you will find out that with the gear that you have, Ruin will outdps Unstable Affliction.

Curse/Dot Rotation As 41/17/0
DoT's are all about uptime and keeping them up constantly. There are certain rotations that help keep up uptime and give you time to sneak in a few shadowbolts as well. Lifetap and Dark Pact in between rotations as needed.

This is the rotation: Cast the assigned curse>Immolate>SL>UA>Corruption.
It is a good rotation because it provides good uptime. When you are refreshing do it in this order as well. Remember when your refreshing Immolate to start 1.5 seconds before it expires. A good idea, when UA/Corruption are running out, is to start immolate one tick early so you have time to refresh the other two. This resets the rotation with almost no loss in dps. If you don’t do this, Immolate will always stay behind your UA/Corruption combo, which gives about 3 seconds downtime with each cast.

The only time you want to drop a DoT from your rotation is when you see that your debuffs are getting bumped off the debuff table(raid bosses have a 40 debuff limit). In this case I recommend you drop Siphon Life.

I recommend straight shadow because there is a lot of +shadow only dmg gear in t5-t6 content and it really doesn’t benefit a Shadow/Fire build.

When to switch to destruction: The spec performs best when you are hit capped(or very close to it) , have 1100 shadow dmg and 23-25% crit chance (with talents). If you don’t have these numbers, Affliction is usually a better choice for overall raid dps.

Here is an utility Spec
This is an Affliction/Destruction spec which is more of an utility spec. It helps the raid more than just straight DPS. Malediction and Shadow Embrace are worth a couple hundred points off your DPS.

III: Gear


When you’re gemming gear you want the important stats: damage, hit, crit, or haste. The thing you have to judge for yourself is set bonuses. For example if you have a piece of gear with a red and blue socket and it has a socket bonus of +6 stamina, you’re better off putting a straight damage, or dmg+hit/crit gem in the blue socket to help you more.
Balance is important with gear, and gems. The best way to maximize your overall attributes it to balance your stats wisely. Stacking one stat with the exclusion of others is not a good idea.

Chaotic Skyfire Diamond is very useful and popular among warlocks. It adds +12 spell crit and provides a 3% bonus to all critical damage. With ruin however, this ends up being a 9% bonus as a result of Blizzard’s weird system. It requires 2 blue gems, which is not a problem. I recommend Glowing Nightseye(+dmg and stamina)

Here are the common enchants for PvE Warlocks.
Head: Glyph of Power
Shoulder: Inscription of the Orb
Chest: Exceptional Health or Exceptional Stats
Legs: Mystic Spellthread or the Epic Runic Spellthread
Bracer: Bands of Nefarious Deeds
Cloak: Subtlety 
Gloves: Major Spellpower
Boots: Boar’s Speed
Rings: Spellpower –Only works if you yourself are an enchanter. No one else can do it for you
Weapon: Major Spellpower for early on raiding.
Soulfrost or Sunfire later on when you have a good weapon with no upgrades soon.

Set Bonuses
Tier 4-Voidheart 
Voidheart is useful for the lower raid instances(labeled T4 instances). A good advantage is that some pieces come with spell hit. You do not need the whole set, the 2 set bonus is very nice for the time, but the 4 piece is rather horrible.
Tier 5-Corruptor These pieces are obtained in SSC and The Eye. The 2 spec bonus is nice for Demonology, and more specifically the soul link tanking spec(when your on leotheras for example). 4 piece bonus is nice for Affliction, but at that point in raiding you will probably be destruction and have no use for it.
Tier 6-Malefic The set drops from Mount Hyjal, Black Temple, and Sunwell Plateau. The 2 set bonus is pretty much useless, its only good towards Affliction locks(but these are rare in t6 instances). The 4 piece bonus is the best in the game for warlocks. It gives a 6% additional damage bonus to all Shadow Bolts and incinerates. You get over 100 dps increase after obtaining the 4 piece t6 bonus.

Best Trinkets(IMO)
Skull of Gul'dan –Amazing equips and a fantastic use.Especially for deep destro. Drops off Illidan.
Hex Shrunken Head – Really high bonus damage and good use. Drops in ZA

IV: Warlocks Role in Raiding

To start here are a couple of useful addons. Go to Curse.com to get these


Every raider should have this addon. They help with timing in boss fights and with certain events. You can get it here

This mod helps you time your next cast. It determines latency and helps show you how haste is affecting you. It helps you cast “faster” because it starts casting the next spell immediately after the first finishes. It also has an enemy cast bar which is very useful.

This addon is great for warlocks. It helps keep track of dots on mobs and on your cooldowns. A must have for any warlock in a raiding environment.

This mod helps with keeping track of shards, soulstones, and summoned pets. Get this or Shard Ace.

An improvement on KLH threat meter. It helps with managing threat and everyone in the raid should be using the addon and be on the same version.

6.SW Stats/Recount 
These keep track of your damage done, dps, and other stats in the raid.These are useful for showing your crit, miss/resist and many other useful rates. It shows where there is room for improvement and it is good for evaluating yourself and “stepping up” your game when you see yourself low on the meters.

Flasks/Elixirs: Flasks provide a better increase in DPS but they obviously cost a tad more. The flask warlocks use is Flask of Pure death, which provides +80 shadow/fire damage. If your using elixirs, you have a choice between Adept’s Elixir and Major Shadow Power for Battle. Guardian elixirs pretty much blow. You have a choice of +16 mp5 , 250hp and 10 hp5 , +30 int/spirit. You are better off flasking. It is not only an improvement in stats/DPS but they also persist through death.If you have a wipe night learning strats on a new boss, flasks are usually better and might even cost less.

Weapon Oils. You have a choice between brilliant wizard oil(36 dmg and 14crit) or Superior wizard oil (42 dmg). I recommend that if you have the money, spend the little extra to get the brill oil.
Food Buffs: +23 spell damage foods are the way to go. There are many versions of this: Blackened Basilisk, Poached Bluefish, or Crunchy Serpent). You may also use a Spicy Crawdad when you have a tanking role, but this is very rare.

CoD or CoA?
CoD is almost always better as a curse, with overall DPS. It allows for more casting time, because you are not refreshing your CoA. CoA should only be used when you run the risk of pulling agro when the minute is up on CoD or if the boss is going to die before the minute is up.

Curse of Elements: A very useful curse, should be first on priority in raids. It not only helps warlocks but all mages and shadow priests in the raid benefit also.

Curse of Recklessness: This is a must-have also, it helps with melee dps substantially, increasing it by around 7%. Warriors Demo Shout almost completely negates the AP bonus the boss/trash gets so it is a win/win situation.

Tanking Roles
Leotheras For this fight you need 365 fire resist. You can get this fairly easily from the badge items and you get +70 from master summoner and pally aura. Get soul link and park a felhound outside of whirlwind range, but close enough to you to get the buff. Try to keep as much spell hit as possible as it helps with overall threat and curse of doom. Use spicy Crawdad/ flask of fortification for this fight. As soon as the pull starts and Leo breaks, land a Doom on him. Three seconds before Demon form starts, begin casting a soul fire. Spam searing pain after. Allow your raid to begin dps when you have at least 10k threat.13 seconds before demon form ends, begin casting doom again. Repeat as needed. When he splits, pick up demon and tank him till the raid kills the human form.

Kael’thas –Calpernian
Tanking for this is as easy as it gets. Spec whatever you want but do not pick up nether protection. Go to the back of the room and wait for the Hunter MD. Spam searing pain and that’s pretty much the whole fight. You don’t “need” Fire resistance but having a little bit won’t hurt.
In phase 3 make a macro:
/use Staff of Disintegration
/cast Shadowbolt
Use that with every cast pretty much. No point in searing pain because no one is dpsing her until later on in the fight when the other advisors are dead.

For Illidan you need the Shadow Resistance cap maxed out. The crafted Mother gear should be enough to get you going. For the spec, use whatever you want again, but make sure you do not pick up Nether Protection. 10 seconds before demon form make sure you are in max range. Start searing pain spamming as soon as he changes. Do this until the first fire volley. At that point back up until you’re 60 yards away from him. This helps because if you get a demon, the raid can kill it before it gets to you. When you’re at that position(the 60 yards away) you don’t need to do anything for the rest of the phase. Toss shadow ward for that extra help. Rinse and Repeat. Soulstone yourself after phase 2.

That’s it for the guide. Hope you enjoyed reading and good luck raiding , fellow warlocks!

*Original post by: whyte_boi 
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Bringing the Light: Keeping Your People Alive with a Holy Paladin.

>> Saturday, December 8, 2012

I. Introduction

I would first like to give credit where it is due, as best I can. This is by no means entirely my work, though I did include some interpretation of my own. Further down this section I include links to the threads I compiled and sorted through to get to this information, the authors of the posts within these threads are the ones who deserve all the real credit. Special thanks to those who sifted through dozens of WWS parses to come to the knowledge we have now.

Keep in mind the purpose of this thread is not for me to spit out information, but for the Healadin community as a whole to work together. Keep posting updates and new findings, and I will update this page accordingly.

Spell Haste
Healing Efficiency
Healer Trinket Selection

Spreadsheets to note:
Healing Efficiency: This spreadsheet is great for comparing various heals based on your stats. There may be an updated version floating around (I got this from the 3rd page of the Healing Efficiency post), but I can’t find it anymore. If anyone can find or make an updated version, please post here or PM me, and I’ll update this.
Gear Spreadsheet: This spreadsheet serves a similar function to the previous spreadsheet, but gives you some different feedback. It also allows you to tweak stats and buffs to your liking, and sort gear based on biggest upgrade to efficiency. THIS NEEDS AN UPDATE. I am working on it myself slowly at the moment, but I haven’t done much excel work lately. Anyone who would like to go in and update/add some gear for 2.2/2.3 (though the math should be still intact) I would really appreciate it!

(Let me know if the hosting breaks, I have both of these saved and can upload them to my filefront account).

II. Core Assumptions

There are a lot of assumptions we are going to have to make, based on research many people have done on these forums. The basics can be found here:


Lets also define some terms before we continue too far:

GCD: Global cool-down
FoL: Flash of Light
HL: Holy Light
LG: Light’s Grace
DF: Divine Favor
DI: Divine Illumination (*not* Divine Intervention)
HPS: Healing per second
MP5: Mana per 5 seconds
4pt5: Four Piece Tier 5 set bonus
BoW: Blessing of Wisdom
BoM: Blessing of Might
BoL: Blessing of Light
BoK: Blessing of Kings
BoS: Blessing of Salvation
5SR: Five-second rule, the rule that allows your normal mana regeneration to continue only 5 seconds after the last completed spell was cast
WWS: WoW Web Stats, a very useful online reporting tool that allows you to see a lot of useful information regarding your play style.
OOM: Out of mana

Now, for the Assumptions:
-The GCD is 1.5 seconds.
-Haste can now lower the GCD, but cannot lower it below 1 second.
-Haste, when applied to HL, is applied to the base 2.5s cast duration, EVEN WITH 4PT5. -- NOT TRUE AS OF 2.3.0
-The 4pt5 bonus has no penalty for down-ranked spells.
-Generally speaking, efficiency remarks are based entirely on healing done per mana point spent.
-HPS discussions regarding HL assume LG is up.
-The +healing cast time coefficient for FoL is 0.429 (42.9% of your +healing is added to your MAX RANK FoL).
-The +healing cast time coefficient for HL is .714 (71.4% of your +healing is added to your MAX RANK HL).
-The penalty for down-ranking can be calculated via the following: (lvl + 11) / clvl, where lvl is the level you learned the spell in question, and clvl is your character's level. This level must be at 10 or more levels below your current level, and is a multiplicative modifier to the cast time healing penalty coefficients of the respective spell.
-There is a penalty for down-ranking imposed on Blessing of Light as well, following the same rules as above.
-It is assumed, in these discussions, that the paladin has all appropriate healing talents, namely:
*Divine Intellect
*Healing Light
*Sanctified Light
*Holy Power
*Light’s Grace
*Holy Guidance
*In some cases, Imp BoW
(If there are any more I’ve forgotten, post/PM to let me know!)

III. Stats

Paladins have a few very important stats, lets go over all caster stats and see their general use.

Stamina: While this offers no direct healing benefits, it does help you survive. If you are dead, you can’t heal.

Intellect: A very undervalued stat, one point gives you 16.5 maximum mana, 0.35 damage and healing, and gives approximately .014% crit.

Spirit: Generally considered a wasted stat on paladins. A significant portion of a paladin’s mana regeneration involves spell casting, and we rarely have the opportunity to stop casting as we generally spam efficient heals, hence we rarely leave the 5SR. Fortunately, our gear tends to not have spirit, so this isn’t an issue.

MP5: The value you place on this stat depends largely what you are trying to accomplish. Further discussion as to the efficiency of this stat will be discussed in the gear section, but for now we will say it is flat mana regeneration, which is never a bad thing.

Spell Crit: Approximately 22 spell critical strike rating is required to gain 1% spell critical strike. This stat scales directly with the amount of mana you are burning…if you are dropping bigger heals this stat will give you more mana back. As such, it is extremely difficult to model against MP5, but if you have approximate percentages from your own heal style (from say, a WWS parse) then you can make an approximate model.

Healing: Scales directly with all healing abilities at a given coefficient. The use of this stat has to be balanced with the others, again further discussion in the gear section.

Haste: To get 1% spell haste, you currently need 15.76 haste rating. Until recently, haste was difficult to quantify and understand outside of a HL build. As a general rule, since the GCD = FoL cast time, haste is a fairly worthless stat for a FoL build. It is KEY for any pally who uses HL a fair amount, however. I believe the fastest HL you can get now with 4pt5 and other haste gear is 1.52s with LG up.

IV. Gear

While gear is obviously meant to be tailored to taste, there are two main styles of gearing up once you reach end game. Both are perfectly viable, and are best suited to specific play styles and raid composition. They are as follows:

Armor setup:
As of 2.3, the ability to spam law ranks of Holy Light (usually around 4 or 5) to great effect using BoL and haste is no longer plausible because of the down-ranking penalty now imposed on BoL.

Because of this, the general consensus is that the best path for armor is now 4 piece tier 6. Which four pieces you choose is entirely up to you and the availability within your guild, but there are certainly other options for every slot, important to note is the Season 3 arena gloves ([Vengeful Gladiator's Ornamented Gloves]) seem to be very nice when looking at non-set options, as [Lightbringer Gloves] have absolutely no crit on them.

When looking at an item post-2.3, +healing seems to be the primarily desired stat, with some mixture of crit and mp5 mixed in secondary. The exact amounts of each of these stats are mainly up to preference and opportunity, those with shadow priests will likely prefer crit to mp5, those who get thrown in tanking groups often will probably want more mp5.

Non-armor items:
Librams: The use of librams is situational. Generally speaking, with BoL on a target (which normally happens for MT healing and at least 2 paladins are present) a good libram is [Libram of Souls Redeemed], although it seems to provide a larger benefit (proportionally) to FoL. Pre-2.3, the [Libram of Absolute Truth] was amazing with down-ranking holy light with 4 piece tier 5. Now that has been nerfed, it's no longer that appealing. The same holds true for the new token libram, the [Libram of Mending], as HL spam just isn't as viable as it once was. Until Blizzard makes up their minds as to what healing spell they want us to use, for non-BoL situations you are forced to use the [Libram of Light] (or for the Blood Elves who don't chain run Naxxramus to get it, like myself, the [Blessed Book of Nagrand] is a good alternative).

Gems: As of right now, there are two real options in terms of meta gems for healadins. One is the [Insightful Earthstorm Diamond], which currently procs a lot more than it does for other classes, simply because it can proc off illumination, as well as heals itself. The other option, which is much more difficult to meet the requirements of, is the [Bracing Earthstorm Diamond]. Which you choose depends a lot on taste of gems in general, as the requirements for each have their limitations for other gear slots.

*NOTE*: In 2.3, [Chaotic Skyfire Diamond] is being introduced. My own initial tests indicate that the increased critical damage does NOT affect healing, leaving the [Insightful Earthstorm Diamond] as the reigning champ among paladin meta gems.

Looking at other gem slots, anything with healing, int, mp5, and crit on it is viable. Which you chose is entirely dependent on play style and current gear setup. Also, the availability of heroic/bt/hyjal epic gems (such as the [Iridescent Fire Opal]) can add unique tweaks to your gear to match your taste. Again, its up to your playstyle.

I don't like stacking gems because of set bonuses, but generally I follow a personal point system to keep track of the value of gems versus set bonuses. This is, of course, assuming I am not particularly short a specific stat at the time.

If you put a point value to the gems comparing blue vs epic, say 18 pts for a blue to equate it to healing, you get the following level calculations:

1 healing = 1 pt
1 mp5 = 4.5 pt
1 int = 2.25 pt
1 spell crit rating = 2.25 pt

Because mp5 can only be applied in whole values however, the actual worths of mp5 on epic gems is greatly diminished because of the other stats you are loosing.

[Royal Shadowsong Amethyst]: 11 + 2(4.5) = 20 pts
[Lustrous Empyrean Sapphire]: 4(4.5) = 18 pts


[Iridescent Fire Opal]: 11 + 4(2.25) = 20 pts (this gem is from heroics, so its understandable that it is of a lower point value)
[Teardrop Crimson Spinel]: 22 = 22 pts
[Luminous Pyrestone]: 11 + 5(2.25) = 22.25 pts
[Gleaming Lionseye]: 10(2.25) = 22.5 pts
[Brilliant Lionseye]: 10(2.25) = 22.5 pts

This is also not taking into account Divine Intellect (+10% int) or Holy Guidance (35% of int converted to +healing). If we apply this to the gems with int...

[Luminous Pyrestone]: 11 + 5.5(2.25) + 5.5(.35) = 25.3 pts
[Brilliant Lionseye]: 11(2.25) + 11(.35) = 28.6 pts

Just food for thought. You can say my point values are arbitrary, and they are (just felt like making healing worth 1 point, and assigning "item levels" based on that), but the ratio of value stays the same. If I'm dealing with a socket bonus, I also check the level of the socket bonuses in my calculations. So for example, for [Crystalforge Leggings] even though the socket encourages the use of mp5 (and therefore an overall loss of effective points on a gem) the socket bonus compensates for this (an extra 4.5 pts), so I would put a [Royal Shadowsong Amethyst] in it because it is the highest pt (healing) gem I can fit in that socket while getting the socket bonus.

ALL this being said, the return of crit for FoL is small enough that having mp5 is actually better, even while chain casting. I figured this out by playing with the spreadsheet, I'm sure you could too. It is important to note however that crit also increases HPS, so you still want SOME crit (I shoot for around 18% before talents while raid buffed).

Once you get 4pc T6 most of this goes out the window. It has been generally accepted that when you are mostly or fully endgame, it is best to stack straight +healing gems as you most likely won't face regen issues, and having FoL's hitting for over 2.2k on MTs is always nice.

Trinkets: There are MANY trinkets you can choose from. There is no wrong answer, but here is a large selection of popular trinkets you can choose from (in no particular order):

[Lower City Prayerbook]
[Scarab of the Infinite Cycle]
[Ribbon of Sacrifice]
[Sextant of Unstable Currents]
[Essence of the Martyr]
[Fel Reaver's Piston]
[Eye of Gruul]
[Pendant of the Violet Eye]
[Tome of Fiery Redemption]
[Ashtongue Talisman of Zeal]
[Tome of Diabolic Remedy]
[Memento of Tyrande]

Each offers its own strengths and weaknesses, but some discussion should be brought up about these. Currently, the regen trinkets (Lower City, Pendant, and Memento) are very popular with FoL builds, although the Memento is amazing for any healer. The [Scarab of the Infinite Cycle] is good for those who are using a HL haste build but aren’t that close to the 1.5 soft cap due to GCD. The other trinkets (Ribbon, Essence, Tome, Sextant, and Ashtongue) offer an over +healing effect. Also, it is important to point out that those of you who are under the impression that the [Ashtongue Talisman of Zeal] is a terrible item, there is some new information that you can find here (starting with my question about it on post #114).

Again, which trinkets you choose is entirely up to you. If you find yourself forgetting to pop your trinkets a lot, passive trinkets may be the way to go. If you find yourself OOM regularly, switching to a regen trinket might also be a good choice. Use what fits your taste and play style.

V. Spells and Ranks

Lets look at talents first. I've posted the two main styles I've personally used, if others have unique enough builds I'll add them here as well.

PvE Healadin WITH Imp BOM
PvE Healadin W/O Imp BOM

These talents are designed to maximize the effectiveness of your healing spells, while offering you some unique utility in each variance. Do not consider these the end all of talent specs, they are merely SUGGESTIONS.

As a holy paladin, your only real options for healing are FoL and HL. While you DO have holy shock, and it CAN save raids, its use is limited, at best. With a 20yd range and a generally weak heal at a high cost, it should be used ONLY to save people in an emergency when even a 1.5s cast is not fast enough. If you can get away with using a FoL or HL instead, do so.

In general raid healing, no matter what your spec it is common practice to make sure LG is up. This is not hard at all to do, even as an FoL build. Just use a low rank (normally 4 or 5) to keep it up, so that you can drop a quick HL11 in a pinch. Obviously on fights that require a lot of moving this may be difficult, but use your best judgment.

As far as ranks are concerned, let us split up the discussion based on the two primary spells:
FoL: Most people simply use FoL rank 7. Being the max rank, it takes no penalty from level difference in terms of +healing, and it is still very reasonable in mana cost. FoL 6 is another viable option, at a much cheaper mana cost and almost as much healing. A few people have mentioned using a low rank of FoL (normally rank 1 or 5) when they are OOM; this is simply a matter of taste, some people feel they do not have room on their bars for this, while others do.

HL: The generally accepted lowest rank to use is HL4. It is cheap enough to compete with flash heal (actually beats it with the [Libram of Absolute Truth]) and it hits approximately just as hard on a target with BoL, depending on your plus healing. Others argue that HL5 is a better choice, again it is up to taste. From there, anywhere up the spectrum is acceptable depending on gear/preference/the fight. A point to note is that HL9 is the lowest you can go for HL ranks without incurring the level penalty from down-ranking, so it is arguably the most efficient use of your gear. Again though, anything between HL4-11 can be used, depending on the fight and situation. I leave it up to you to decide!

Illumination: While not a direct spell, it still warrants its own section. This spell is what makes paladins such mana efficient healers, and is the reason we have spell crit on our gear. The catch with this ability is that it offers extremely high regen values, but ONLY while you are spamming. Unlike other classes which regenerate their mana by taking a break and stopping their casts, paladins get the most out of their regeneration while spamming, even if it's a low rank spell. For this reason, think of a paladin not as a class that regenerates mana, but rather as a class that makes the most out of a single point of mana compared to the other healers. Shadow priests and mana potions are most critical for this reason.

*NOTE*: This is slightly less true for those who have taken the FoL route, as the amount of mana returned by Illumination and the cost of the heal itself are small enough that stacking MP5 is a more appropriate compensation for any fight of even moderate length.

Another important thing to point out regarding use of spells is the use of the /stopcasting macros. These, when used in conjunction with a casting bar such as Quartz can greatly increase your HPS, and reduce your over-healing. You can see a sample macro below, for HL11:

#showtooltip Holy Light(Rank 11)
/cast Holy Light(Rank 11)

The first line simply applies the tooltip of HL11 to the button, it serves no true functionality and can be deleted based on taste. The second line cancels any current cast occurring. THIS MEANS YOU CANNOT SPAM THE BUTTON WHILE USING THIS MACRO. Internal timing (in other words, your head) is key. The last line casts whatever spell you want that macro to cast. I personally have this macro cloned in my character-specific macro window for every HL between 4 and 11, as well as FoL. Yes, this will help with FoL because it compensates for latency and actually lets you cast in 1.5 sec intervals, instead of say 1.6 with a 100 ms cast latency (NOTE, this is NOT the same as your ping!).

As of 2.3.0, the need for stopcasting has essentially been removed. You can now spam the key and achieve almost the same effect as you could without stopcasting, but you don't have to be as careful. However, I'm gonna leave this here for the perfectionists.


The main difference in PvP vs PvE is the talent changes, as well as the general removal of most mp5. While an entire post could be made for PvP as opposed to PvE, lets keep it short. The general talent build for PvP is something like this, though individual preference makes it vary slightly:

PvP Talent Build

A key thing to point out is that you are trying to maximize HPS while still being able to survive and avoid crowd control. Again though, depending on your bracket and gear, spec can change.

VII. Raiding

As a paladin, you bring FIVE forms of utility that are all extremely important. If you find yourself not using one of the following on a regular basis, you may want to reconsider your activities in raids.

Auras: These are static buffs that affect anyone in your 5 man party (NOT the raid as a whole). Depending on the group and the fight, you may have to use different auras. If you are in a tank group, you will generally be expected to run Devotion or a resistance aura appropriate for the fight. If you find yourself in a caster group (ie, with a shadow priest) then Concentration aura would be the better choice, as being immune to cast interruption from taking damage is always nice. If you happen to have improved Concentration aura on a fight that has a boss that silence/counterspells, it may be most useful, especially in a caster group. Crusader aura isn't for raiding, though I'm sure pretty much every raiding paladin has left it on for the first few minutes of a raid at some time or another

Judgements: Obviously your ability to judge is dependent on a few factors. If the boss fight prevents you from getting close enough, or you are in a very healing-intensive situation, judging may not be appropriate. However, on traditional tank-and-spank fights, it can be extremely important, especially on DPS intensive fights. If there is a Retribution paladin in the raid, then you should always be applying a judgment. If you are the only paladin in the raid (or the only one putting an effort into judging) your best bet it to put a Judgment of Wisdom up. If two paladins are judging, a Judgment of Light is also useful. If there are any more paladins than two who are actively judging, one of you can slack unless that paladin is Retribution specced, in which case they should be using Judgment of the Crusader.

Wipe Protection: Some may argue we have the short end of the stick in terms of wipe protection, but this is entirely up to opinion. If the raid leader should call a wipe, simply DI someone who can res AND IS STANDING OUTSIDE OF THE BOSSES STARTING AGGRO RANGE. At the very least, you save yourself from a durability loss using this!

Blessings: These are your most powerful buffs, and probably the most powerful single buffs in the game. They are also, unfortunately, the most annoying to organize and use properly, as well as the shortest. Thankfully in 2.2 blizzard bumped the duration to double what it was for both Greater and regular blessings to 30 and 10 minutes, respectively. Since some people may not be as familiar with other classes' mechanics, I figured I'd give a short rundown for each class, giving blessings based on spec in the order they should be applied (the first is if only one paladin in the raid, second if two, so one and so forth) ON A TYPICAL FIGHT. Keep in mind this is from my personal experience, and may be different depending on the preferences of your guild mates. If you made it to level 70 and are raiding, I'm assuming you have some semblance of a brain and know how to use it should the situation require some thought. I am not going to include Blessing of Salvation (except for warlocks) because it depends greatly on how skilled your tank is, how good your DPS is at not being dumb and pulling aggro, and the variances of gear.

Prot Warriors: Kings > Light (unless a paladin is not healing them) > Might
DPS Warriors: Might > Kings
Rogues: Might > Kings
Resto Druids: Wisdom = Kings (entirely based on their taste)
Moonkin Druids: Wisdom > Kings
Feral (tanking and dps) Druids: Kings > Might
Resto & Elemental Shaman: Wisdom > Kings
Enhancement Shaman: Might > Kings (unless they have extremely low crit)
Arcane Mage: Kings > Wisdom
Frost/Fire Mage: Wisdom > Kings (although generally speaking, no mage will complain if they just have kings, cause of the larger mana pool and hp)
Warlock: Salv > Kings > Wisdom
BM/Marks Hunter: Might > Kings
Survival Hunter: Kings > Might (they are all about huge amounts of agility)
Holy Paladins: Wisdom > Kings
Ret Paladins: Might > Kings > Wisdom (i think)
Prot Paladins: Kings > Sanctuary > Light (if another pally is healing them) > Wisdom > Might
Holy Priest: Wisdom >= Kings (generally wisdom is better, but some will QQ otherwise)
Shadow Priest: Wisdom > Kings

If you don't use it already, Pally Power does an EXTREMELY good job of managing your blessings. Simply give one paladin an assist (or leader) and they can assign not only class blessings, but with the new version assign 10 minute blessings to individuals. This tool tracks the time left on people's buffs, and checks to make sure they have it, and indicates if they don't, making mid-fight rebuffs a breeze. Druids, the bane of our buffing existence, are no longer a problem! Also, it shows all paladins with this mod how many symbols the other paladins have, as well as which blessings they have improved (so you can see which slackers didn't get imp BoW for raiding).

Healing: Last but not least, you are a healer. And a damn efficient one to boot. If you have any power over who you have in your group, the best buffers, from most to least effective, are as follows: shadow priest, elemental shaman, moonkin, resto shaman, resto druid. Shadow priests are the most amazing thing that you can get for a paladin of ANY GEAR SET. If your raid leaders don't believe you, point them to this thread. Because we get the most out of a single point of mana out of any other healer, AND we get mana back from the heals the shadow priests give (as of 2.1.3(?) only if its not an overheal, still amazing on any fight where we take damage to generate more net mana), its a fairly logical choice if you can spare the group makeup. The extra mana allows us to rank up, and in turn get even more mana back from illumination. Having a shadow priest GEOMETRICALLY, not linearly, increases a paladin's effective mana pool. However, for certain fights that require auras for the tanks, a paladin may have to suffer. But really, if your guild doesn't raid with at least two shadow priests, change it now, they are awesome.

VIII. Questions & Answers

Q: How much mp5 is x% crit or x crit rating worth?

A: As stated in the Stats section, this is entirely dependent on what rank heals you use, and in what ratio. Look at a WWS parse of you healing on a typical fight (or over the course of a night) and see what percentages it gives you (NOT of the amount healed by each spell, but rather the number of each used, make sure you use the breakdown to take into account different ranks). Then, you can plug your stats with these ratios into the Gear spreadsheet linked at the top of this thread, and see from there how much more mana you have over the course of the fight adding 1% and how much MP5 that equates to. As a general rule of thumb, the longer the fight is and the more running around you have to do, the more MP5 is worth.

Q: Is there a healing/crit/mp5 soft cap?

A: Not as far as I know. If any paladins in this thread can prove otherwise, then I will edit this accordingly. However, it is important to note that purely stacking one stat is not a very smart idea, as it pigeonholes you into only being effect for certain fights more than others. Being versatile is the best thing you can do as a holy paladin, as our roles on fights vary greatly compared to other healers (such as shaman, for instance, who almost exclusively raid heal).

Q: Is item X better than item Y for me? *insert armory link*

A: I have provided links with two spreadsheets, please use them. In general people will not be responsive to answer these kinds of questions and your post will likely be deleted by an Elistist Jerks member.

Well I hop this clears up a few things for you with your paladin. Don't forget to check out the other guides on this site!

*Original post by: Zurm

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Every BoE Vendor for Every Profession! (You want BoEs, I got BoEs!)

>> Friday, December 7, 2012

First Aid 

125 Expert first aid-under wraps
A Deneb Walker-(27,58) Arathi Highlands in stormgarde keep. go in front, under bridge, circle around to the right, now take the bridge over to other side, vendor is on the right in hanging vines area.
H Balai Lok'Wein-(36,30) Dustwallow Marsh Brakenwall Village
H Ghok'Kah-(35,30) Dustwallow Marsh Brakenwall Village

180 Manual: Heavy Silk Bandage
A Deneb Walker-(27,58) Arathi Highlands in stormgarde keep. go in front, under bridge, circle around to the right, now take the bridge over to other side, vendor is on the right in hanging vines area.
H Balai Lok'Wein-(36,30) Dustwallow Marsh Brakenwall Village
H Ghok'Kah-(35,30) Dustwallow Marsh Brakenwall Village

210 Manual: Mageweave Bandage
A Deneb Walker-(27,58) Arathi Highlands in stormgarde keep. go in front, under bridge, circle around to the right, now take the bridge over to other side, vendor is on the right in hanging vines area.
H Balai Lok'Wein-(36,30) Dustwallow Marsh Brakenwall Village
H Ghok'Kah-(35,30) Dustwallow Marsh Brakenwall Village


60 rage potion
N Defias Profiteer-(43,66) Westfall in moonglade second story of the building across from the deadmines entrance
H Hagrus-(46,46) Orgrimar by ragefire instance
A Xandar Goodbeard-(82,63) Loch Modan east side of map in -------- compound
N Ranik-(61,38) Barrens ratchet

100 holy protection potion
N Kzixx-(81,19) Duskwood north road to redrige side of road
A Xandar Goodbeard-(82,63) Loch Modan east side of map in -------- compound
N Hula'Mahi-(51,30) Barrens crossroads

135 shadow protection potion
A Harklan Moongrove-(50,67) Ashenvale north side of southern lake in building
H Christoff Jeffcoat-(62,19) Hillsbrad Foothils Taren mill

150 free action potion
A Ulthir-(55,24) Darnassus alchemy vendor craftsmens terris
N Vendor-tron 1000-(60,38) Descolace south east of thunder axe fortess
A Soolie Berryfizz-(66,54) Ironforge alchemy vendor gnome area
H Kor'geld-(56,34) Orgrimar the drag north side

165 fire protection potion
A Nandar Branson-(50,57) Southshore
H Jeeda-(47,61) Sun Rock Retreat second floor of the inn

165 shadow oil
N Bliztik-(18,54) Duskwood Raven Hill Cemetary he is upstairs in the house close to Jitters
H Montarr-(45,50) Thousand Needles Freewind Post

175 great rage potion
A Ulthir-(55,24) Darnassus alchemy vendor craftsmens terris
N Vendor-tron-1000-(60,38) Descolace south east of thunder axe fortess
H Hagrus-(46,46) Orgrimar by ragefire instance

190 frost protection potion
A Drovnar Strongbrew-(46,47) Arathi Highlands refuge point
N Glyx Brewright-(28,78) Stranglethorn Vale booty bay in store called Boucher's Cauldron

190 nature protection potion
H Bronk-(76,43) Feralas Camp mojache
A Logannas-(32,43) Ferelas Feathermoon Stronghold
N Glyx Brewright-(28,78) Stranglethorn Vale booty bay in store called Boucher's Cauldron
N Alchemist Petzlezugg-(50,26) Tanaris Gadgetzan

200 frost oil
N Bro'kin-(38,38) Alterac Mountians elite ogre area on top of back wall of compound

225 philosopher's stone
N Alchemist Petzlezugg-(50,26) Tanaris Gadgetzan

225 transmute:iron to gold
N Alchemist Petzlezugg-(50,26) Tanaris Gadgetzan

225 transmute:mithril to truesilver
N Alchemist Petzlezugg-(50,26) Tanaris Gadgetzan

245 ghost dye
H Bronk-(76,43) Feralas Camp mojache
A Logannas-(32,43) Ferelas Feathermoon Stronghold

250 elixir of demonslaying
A Nina Lightbrew-(66,18) Blasted Lands Netherguard Keep on the top floor of the tower
N Rartar-(45,57) Swamp of SorrowsStonard on the top floor of the inn

250 elixir of shadowpower
A Maria Lumere-(46,78) Stormwind Mage quarter alchemy supply store
H Algernon-(51,74) Undercity Apothacarium sw corner

260 superior mana potion
H Algernon-(51,74) Undercity Apothacarium sw corner
A Ulthir-(55,24) Darnassus alchemy vendor craftsmens terris

265 elixir of superior defense
A Soolie Berryfizz-(66,54) Ironforge alchemy vendor gnome area
H Kor'geld-(56,34) Orgrimar the drag north side

275 transmute: arcanite
N Alchemist Petzlezugg-(50,26) Tanaris Gadgetzan

275 major healing potion
N Evie Whirlbrew-(60,37) Winterspring Everlook


155 solid iron maul
A Jannos Ironwill-(45,47) Arathi Higlands Refuge point
N Jazzrik-(42,52) Badlands Middle of map
H Muuran-(55,56) Descolace Ghost walker post

160 hardened iron shortsword
N Jutak-(27,77) Stranglethorn Vale Booty Bay by hanging shark by inn
H Sumi-(82,23) Orgrimar Valley of honor nw corner
A Kaita Deepforge-(56,17) Stormwind Dwarven district by forge

185 massive iron axe
N Jaquilina Dramet-(35,10) Stranglethorn Vale Nessingwary camp
H Vharr-(32,27) Stranglethorn Vale Grom goll base camp

190 golden scale coif
N Krinkle Goodsteel-(51,28) Tanaris Gadgetzan

215 mithril scale bracers
H Gharash-(45,51) Swamp of Sorrows Stonard
A Harggan-(13,44) Hinterlands Arie peak


20 enchant chest minor mana
A Vaean-(58,14) Darnassus craftsmans terrace
A Tilli Thislefuzz-(60,44) Ironforge across form gryphon master
A Jessara Cordell-(43,64) Stormwind in the inn outside of mage quarter
H Kithas-(53,37) Orgrimar the drag north end
H Nata Dawnstrider-(45,38) Thunderbluff north center section
H Thaddeus Webb-(62,60) Undercity south side outer ring
N Kania-(51,39) Sithilus Cenarian hold
? Leo Sarn-(53,82) Silverpine Forrest hills south of road leading to hillsbrad
? Lilly-(43,50) Silverpine Forrest hills south of the sepelcher

45 minor wizard oil
A Vaean-(58,14) Darnassus craftsmans terrace
A Tilli Thislefuzz-(60,44) Ironforge across form gryphon master
A Jessara Cordell-(43,64) Stormwind in the inn outside of mage quarter
H Kithas-(53,37) Orgrimar the drag north end
H Nata Dawnstrider-(45,38) Thunderbluff north center section
H Thaddeus Webb-(62,60) Undercity south side outer ring
N Kania-(51,39) Sithilus Cenarian hold
? Leo Sarn-(53,82) Silverpine Forrest hills south of road leading to hillsbrad
? Lilly-(43,50) Silverpine Forrest hills south of the sepelcher

80 enchant chest lesser mana (horde only)
H Kithas-(53,37) Orgrimar the drag north end
? Lilly-(43,50) Silverpine Forrest hills south of the sepelcher

100 enchant 2h weapon lesser intellect
A Tilli Thislefuzz-(60,44) Ironforge across form gryphon master
H Kithas-(53,37) Orgrimar the drag north end
? Leo Sarn-(53,82) Silverpine Forrest hills south of road leading to hillsbrad
H Nata Dawnstrider-(45,38) Thunderbluff north center section

110 enchant cloak minor agility
A Dalria-(35,52) Ashenvale Astranaar
H Kulwia-(45,59) Stonetalon Mountians Skull rock retreat

125 enchant boots minor agility
N Zixil-(00,00) Hilsbrad Foothils paths back and forth between southshore and taren mill on road
H Nata Dawnstrider-(45,38) Thunderbluff north center section

140 enchant bracer lesser strength
A Dalria-(35,52) Ashenvale Astranaar
H Kulwia-(45,59) Stonetalon Mountians Skull rock retreat

150 minor mana oil
A Vaean-(58,14) Darnassus craftsmans terrace
A Tilli Thislefuzz-(60,44) Ironforge across form gryphon master
A Jessara Cordell-(43,64) Stormwind in the inn outside of mage quarter
H Kithas-(53,37) Orgrimar the drag north end
H Nata Dawnstrider-(45,38) Thunderbluff north center section
H Thaddeus Webb-(62,60) Undercity south side outer ring
N Kania-(51,39) Sithilus Cenarian hold
? Leo Sarn-(53,82) Silverpine Forrest hills south of road leading to hillsbrad
? Lilly-(43,50) Silverpine Forrest hills south of the sepelcher

170 enchant bracer lesser deflection
H Keena-(74,32) Arathi Highlands Hammerfall
A Micha Yance-(48,55) Hillsbrad Foothils Southshore

200 lesser wizard oil
A Vaean-(58,14) Darnassus craftsmans terrace
A Tilli Thislefuzz-(60,44) Ironforge across form gryphon master
A Jessara Cordell-(43,64) Stormwind in the inn outside of mage quarter
H Kithas-(53,37) Orgrimar the drag north end
H Nata Dawnstrider-(45,38) Thunderbluff north center section
H Thaddeus Webb-(62,60) Undercity south side outer ring
N Kania-(51,39) Sithilus Cenarian hold
? Leo Sarn-(53,82) Silverpine Forrest hills south of road leading to hillsbrad
? Lilly-(43,50) Silverpine Forrest hills south of the sepelcher

235 enchant bracer deflection
A Mythrin'dir-(60,17) Darnassus Crafters terrace
H Banalash-(44,56) Swamp of Sorrows Stonard

250 lesser mana oil
N Kania-(51,39) Sithilus Cenarian hold

265 enchant shield greater stamina
A Mythrin'dir-(60,17) Darnassus Crafters terrace
H Daniel Bartlett-(64,37) Undercity inner ring

275 enchant chest major health
N Qia-(61,37) Winterspring Everlook

275 wizard oil
N Kania-(51,39) Sithilus Cenarian hold

285 enchant cloak superior defense
N Lorelae Wintersong-(48,40) Moonglade Nighthaven south side of town

290 runed arcanite rod
N Lorelae Wintersong-(48,40) Moonglade Nighthaven south side of town


120 lovingly crafted boomstick
N Jinky Twizzlefixxit-(77,77) Thousand Needles Shimering flats racetrack
N Fradd Swiftgear-(26,25) Wetlands outside a house nw of map back off the shore

125 gnomish universal remote
N Jinky Twizzlefixxit-(77,77) Thousand Needles Shimering flats racetrack
A Gearcutter Cogspinner-(67,42) Ironforge Tinker town

140 minor recombobulator
A Fradd Swiftgear-(26,25) Wetlands outside a house nw of map back off the shore
Also in gnomeron either an npc or a machine that you need a key from a mob drop

150 blue firework (alliance only)
A Darian Singh-(29,67) Stormwind shop in the canals west side of city north of mage quarter
A Gearcutter Cogspinner-(67,42) Ironforge Tinker town

150 green firework
N Crazk Sparks-(28,76) Stranglethorn Vale Booty bay shop around back by hanging shark and transporter
N Gagsprocket-(62,36) Barrens Ratchet

150 red firework (horde only)
H Sovic-(75,25) Orgrimar Valley of strength

155 ice deflector
N Rizz Loosebolt-(47,35) Alterac Mountians gnome in cage in ogre area outside the northmost cave
N Super Seller 680-(40,79) Descolace at the road junction between shadowprey village and mannoroc coven

165 goblin jumper cables
N Super Seller 680-(40,79) Descolace at the road junction between shadowprey village and mannoroc coven
N Kzixx-(81,19) Duskwood north road to redrige side of road
N Zixil-(00,00) Hilsbrad Foothils paths back and forth between southshore and taren mill on road
N Veenix-(58,51) Stonetalon Mountians on cliff east of road on west side of windshear crag

180 accurate scope
N Super Seller 680-(40,79) Descolace at the road junction between shadowprey village and mannoroc coven
N Mazk Snipeshot-(28,75) Stranglethorn Vale Booty Bay

200 e-z thro dynamite II
N Blizrik Buckshot-(50,27) Tanaris Gadgetzan weapons dealer in hut on west side of town

200 gnomish cloaking device
N Zan Shivsprocket-(84,18) Hillsbrad Foothills in hills west of back path up to arathi

200 mechanical dragonling
N Gnaz Blunderflame-(50,35) Stranglethorn Vale Up in mountians on east border little south of ogre cave go up ridge at 49,38 then follow it north

210 deadly scope
N Knaz Blunderflame-(51,35) Stranglethorn Vale in mountians on east border of map south of the ogre camp go up ridge at 49,38 then follow it north

230 deepdive helmet
N Jubie Gadgetspring-(45,90) Azshara in hut at bottom of cliff south side of map path down starts at 45,88

250 mithril mechanical dragonling
N Ruppo Zipcoil-(34,37) Hinterlands in mountians north east of qull danil lodge

260 thorium widget
A Gearcutter Cogspinner-(67,42) Ironforge Tinker town
H Sovic-(75,25) Orgrimar Valley of strength

260 thorium grenade
A Gearcutter Cogspinner-(67,42) Ironforge Tinker town
H Sovic-(75,25) Orgrimar Valley of strength

260 truesilver transformer
N Mazk Snipeshot-(28,75) Stranglethorn Vale Booty Bay

260 gyrofreeze ice reflector
N Xizzer Fizzbolt-(60,38) Winterspring Everlook

275 masterwork target dummy
N Xizzer Fizzbolt-(60,38) Winterspring Everlook

275 powerful seaforium charge
N Xizzer Fizzbolt-(60,38) Winterspring Everlook

275 thorium tube
N Xizzer Fizzbolt-(60,38) Winterspring Everlook

285 delicate arcanite converter
N Xizzer Fizzbolt-(60,38) Winterspring Everlook


90 deviate scale cloak
N Kalldan Fellmoon-(??,??) Barrens in cave above cave entrance to Wailing Caverns instance must go around back and up top to drop down (can also get a quest for WC which gives you another patern if completed)

90 murlock scale belt
A Mavralyn-(37,41) Darkshore auberdine docks
H Andrew Hilbert-(43,40) Silverpine Forrest Sepelchur
A Gina Macgreggor-(57,53) Westfall sentinal hill by mill

95 murlock scale breastplate
A Mavralyn-(37,41) Darkshore auberdine docks
H Andrew Hilbert-(43,40) Silverpine Forrest Sepelcur
A Gina Macgreggor-(57,53) Westfall sentinal hill by mill

100 black whelp cloak
A Clyde Ranthal-(88,70) Redridge Mountians In mountians in the south east corner of map

100 black whelp tunic
A Amy Davenport-(29,47) Redridge Mountians Lakeshire

105 deviate scale gloves
N Kalldan Fellmoon-(??,??) Barrens in cave above cave entrance to Wailing Caverns instance must go around back and up top to drop down (can also get a quest for WC which gives you another patern if completed)

120 red whelp gloves
N Wenna Silkbeard-(25,25) Wetlands in the house back off the shore on west side of map

135 earthen leather shoulders
N Zixil-(00,00) Hilsbrad Foothils paths back and forth between southshore and taren mill on road

135 herbalist gloves
N Harlown Darkweave-(18,59) Ashenvale in mountians in south west corner of map

155 green leather armor
N Vendor tron 1000-(60,38) Descolace outside of hut south east of thunder axe fortress
H George Candarte-(91,38) Hillsbrad Foothills north east corner of map where the wall meets the mountians
N Wenna Silkbeard-(25,25) Wetlands in the house back off the shore on west side of map

155 barbaric bracers
A Saenorion-(63,22) Darnassus Craftsmans terrece
H Josheph Moore-(70,58) Undercity s[outh east quarter of map inner ring

170 barbaric leggings
A Hammon Karwin-(46,47) Arathi Higlands Refuge point
H Keena-(74,32) Arathi Higlands Hammerfall
A Lardan-(34,49) Ashenvale Astraanar
N Vendor tron 1000-(60,38) Descolace outside of hut south east of thunder axe fortress
H Jandia-(46,51) Thousand Needles Freewind Post

170 thick murlock armor
H Christoff Jeffcoat-(62,19) Hillsbrad Foothills Taren mill
A Micha Yance-(48,55) Hillsbrad Foothills Southshore
N Blixrez Goodstitch-(28,77) Stranglethorn Vale Booty Bay

185 gem studded leather belt
N Vendor-tron 1000-(60,38) Descolace outside of hut south east of thunder axe fortess
N Rikqiz-(28,76) Stranglethorn Vale Booty Bay

190 green whelp bracers
A Saenorion-(63,22) Darnassus Craftsmans terrece
H Josheph Moore-(70,58) Undercity south east quarter of map inner ring
H Jangdor Swiftstrider-(74,42) Ferelas Camp Mojache
N Vendor-tron 1000-(60,38) Descolace outside of hut south east of thunder axe fortess
A Pratt Mcgrubben-(30,42) Ferelas Feathermoon Stronghold

190 murloc scale bracers
A Helenia Olden-(66,51) Dustwallow Marsh Theremore island
N Blixrez Goodstitch-(28,77) Stranglethorn Vale Booty Bay

200 shadowskin gloves
N Rikqiz-(28,76) Stranglethorn Vale Booty Bay

205 turtle scale gloves
H Jangdor Swiftstrider-(74,42) Ferelas Camp Mojache
A Pratt Mcgrubben-(30,42) Ferelas Feathermoon Stronghold

210 nightscape shoulders
H Jangdor Swiftstrider-(74,42) Ferelas Camp Mojache
H Worb Strongstitch-(74,42) Ferelas Camp Mojache
A Nioma-(13,43) Hinterlands Arie Peak

255 heavy scorpid bracers
N Zannok Hidepiercer-(81,17) Sithilus by entrance to Ungo'ro Crater

260 wicked leather gauntlets
H Werg Thickblade-(83,69) Trisifal Glades South east corner of map by entrance to WPL
A Leonard Porter-(43,84) Western Plaguelands in camp at gryphon point south side of map

260 green dragonscale breastplate
N Masat T'andar-(26,31) Swamp of Sorrows North west corner of swamp NOT extreme corner of map

265 chimeric gloves
N Blimo Gadgetspring-(45,90) Azshara in hut at bottom of cliff south side of map path down starts at 45,88

270 ironfeather shoulders
N Gigget Zipcoil-(34,37) Hinterlands in mountians north east of qull danil lodge

270 living shoulders
H Jangdor Swiftstrider-(74,42) Ferelas Camp Mojache
A Pratt Mcgrubben-(30,42) Ferelas Feathermoon Stronghold

275 frostsaber boots
N Qia-(61,37) Winterspring Everlook

275 stormshroud pants
H Werg Thickblade-(83,69) Trisifal Glades South east corner of map by entrance to WPL
A Leonard Porter-(43,84) Western Plaguelands in camp at gryphon point south side of map

285 blue dragonscale breastplate
N Blimo Gadgetspring-(45,90) Azshara in hut at bottom of cliff south side of map path down starts at 45,88

290 runic leather headband
N Jase Farlane-(80,57) Eastern Plaguelands Lights hope chapel

290 devilsaur guantlets
N Nergal-(43,7) Un'goro Crater Camp in mountians in the north of the map

295 heavy scorpid helm
N Zannok Hidepiercer-(81,17) Sithilus by entrance to Ungo'ro Crater


55 blue linen vest
A Valdaron-(38,40) Darkshore Auberdine
A Tharyn Bouden-(41,67) Elwynn Forrest Goldshire
H Borya-(62,51) Orgrimar South side of the drag
H Wrahk-(52,31) Barrens Crossroads

70 red linen bag
A Valdaron-(38,40) Darkshore Auberdine
H Andrew Hilbert-(43,40) Silverpine Forrest Sepelcur
H Mahu-(43,44) Thunder Bluff Center rise on the auction house area
A Gina Macgreggor-(57,53) Westfall sentinal hill by mill

70 blue linen robe
A Elynna-(64,21) Darnassus Craftsmans terrace
A Drake Lindgren-(83,66) Elwynn Forest Eastvale logging camp
H Andrew Hilbert-(43,40) Silverpine Forrest Sepelcur
H Wrahk-(52,31) Barrens Crossroads
N Ranik-(61,38) Barrens ratchet

100 blue overalls
H Mallen Swain-(61,20) Hillsbrad Foothils Taren Mill
H Borya-(62,51) Orgrimar south end of the drag
A Alexandra Bolero-(43,74) Stormwind City south side of mage quarter
H Yonada-(44,59) Barrens west of camp turajo
A Gina Macgreggor-(57,53) Westfall sentinal hill by mill

115 red woolen bag
A Valdaron-(38,40) Darkshore Auberdine
N Zixil-(00,00) Hilsbrad Foothils paths back and forth between southshore and taren mill on road
A Rann Flamespinner-(36,45) Loch Modan Theselmar
H Borya-(62,51) Orgrimar south end of the drag
A Amy Davenport-(29,47) Redridge Mountians Lakeshire
H Kiknikle-(41,38) Barrens on west border of map directly west of the wailing caverns cave and lake
H Yonada-(44,59) Barrens west of camp turajo
H Wrahk-(52,31) Barrens Crossroads
H Mahu-(43,44) Thunder Bluff Center rise on the auction house area
H Millie Gregorian-(70,29) Undercity north west quarter inner ring
A Jennabink Powerseam-(8,55) Wetlands Menethil harbor

115 greater adept's robe
A Elynna-(64,21) Darnassus Craftsmans terrace
A Sheri Zipstitch-(75,45) Duskwood Darkshire
A Rann Flamespinner-(36,45) Loch Modan Theselmar
N Ranik-(61,38) Barrens ratchet
H Millie Gregorian-(70,29) Undercity north west quarter inner ring
A Jennabink Powerseam-(8,55) Wetlands Menethil harbor

135 bright yellow shirt
A Danielle Zipstitch-(75,45) Duskwood Darkshire

145 azure silk gloves
H Kireena-(51,53) Descolace Ghost Walker Post
N Wenna Silkbeard-(25,25) Wetlands in the house back off the shore on west side of map

155 dark silk shirt
N Super Seller 680-(40,79) Descolace at the road junction between shadowprey village and mannoroc coven
A Sheri Zipstitch-(75,45) Duskwood Darkshire
H Mallen Swain-(61,20) Hillsbrad Foothils Taren Mill

165 enchanters cowl
N Super Seller 680-(40,79) Descolace at the road junction between shadowprey village and mannoroc coven
N Xizk Goodstitch-(28-78) Stranglethorne Vale Booty bay

175 azure silk cloak
H Jun'ha-(72,36) Arathi Highlands Hammerfall
A Brienna Starglow-(88,45) Ferelas edge of border with thousand needles by alliance flight path

180 crimson silk cloak
N Super Seller 680-(40,79) Descolace at the road junction between shadowprey village and mannoroc coven
N Xizk Goodstitch-(28-78) Stranglethorne Vale Booty bay

200 black swashbuckler's shirt
N Nakk-(28,74) Stranglethorn Vale Booty Bay in building by entrance he also sells parrot non combat pets

200 icy cloak
A Micha Yance-(48,55) Hillsbrad Foothills Southshore
H Ghok'kah-(35,30) Dustwallow Marsh Brakenwall village

205 crimson silk robe
N Vizzklick-(51,27) Tanaris Gadgetzan

220 orange martial shirt
A Elynna-(64,21) Darnassus Craftsmans terrace
H Mahu-(43,44) Thunder Bluff Center rise on the auction house area

225 enchanted mageweave pouch
A Vaean-(58,14) Darnassus craftsmans terrace
A Tilli Thislefuzz-(60,44) Ironforge across form gryphon master
A Jessara Cordell-(43,64) Stormwind in the inn outside of mage quarter
H Kithas-(53,37) Orgrimar the drag north end
H Nata Dawnstrider-(45,38) Thunderbluff north center section
H Thaddeus Webb-(62,60) Undercity south side outer ring
N Kania-(51,39) Sithilus Cenarian hold
? Leo Sarn-(53,82) Silverpine Forrest hills south of road leading to hillsbrad
? Lilly-(43,50) Silverpine Forrest hills south of the sepelcher

230 lavender mageweave shirt
A Outfitter Eric-(43,29) Ironforge west side of great forge area inner ring
H Borya-(62,51) Orgrimar south end of the drag

235 pink mageweave shirt
A Outfitter Eric-(43,29) Ironforge west side of great forge area inner ring
H Borya-(62,51) Orgrimar south end of the drag

240 tuxedo shirt
A Outfitter Eric-(43,29) Ironforge west side of great forge area inner ring
H Millie Gregorian-(70,29) Undercity north west quarter inner ring

240 admirals hat
N Cowardly Crosby-(27,82) Stranglethorn Vale NOT in booty bay. in the bloodsail camp on south beach south of booty bay surrounded by hostile booty bay mobs

245 tuxedo pants
A Outfitter Eric-(43,29) Ironforge west side of great forge area inner ring
H Millie Gregorian-(70,29) Undercity north west quarter inner ring

245 mooncloth
N Evie Whirlbrew-(60,37) Winterspring Everlook
N Qia-(61,37) Winterspring Everlook

250 tuxedo jacket
A Outfitter Eric-(43,29) Ironforge west side of great forge area inner ring
H Millie Gregorian-(70,29) Undercity north west quarter inner ring

250 white wedding dress
A Alexandra Bolero-(43,74) Stormwind City south side of mage quarter
H Mahu-(43,44) Thunder Bluff Center rise on the auction house area

260 runecloth bag
N Qia-(61,37) Winterspring Everlook

260 soul pouch
N Vizzklick-(51,27) Tanaris Gadgetzan

260 runecloth robe
N Darnall-(51,33) Moonglade Nighthaven

265 runelcoth cloak
N Darnall-(51,33) Moonglade Nighthaven

275 enchanted runecloth bag
N Kania-(51,39) Sithilus Cenarian hold

275 enchanted mageweave bag
N Kania-(51,39) Sithilus Cenarian hold

275 fellcloth pants
N Lorelae Wintersong-(48,40) Moonglade Nighthaven south side of town

275 runecloth gloves
N Qia-(61,37) Winterspring Everlook

280 runecloth boots
[b]N Darnall-(51,33) Moonglade Nighthaven

300 mooncloth robe
N Shen'dralar provisioner-(??,??) Ferelas inside dire maul instance.
Enter the dungeon from feralas, go straight until you meet the PvP arena/pit. From there, go left, take that portal. From here you will need the crescent key for doors inside(or a rogue with 300 picking).

Continue in, kill big tree boss and take door behind him. When you enter The Prison Chamber(big blue swirling vortex imprisoning big ugly dog), take a quick right and take the first corrider you see. Inside you will find a library, and the vendor is right down the stairs.

1=buy this every time! someone out there wants it
2=buy this only if you have made money on it in the past and/or you know someone who wants it (risky buy, may not sell)
3=do not buy this unless you are filling out your own proffesion. too easy to get, does not resale well.

MAJOR CITIES (most of these have a 3 becauese anyone can get them, but, if it is a limited recipe it might be worthwhile to get and sell for a minor profit if you can.)

1 A (66,54) Soolie Berryfizz (1) free action potion (3) elixir of superior defense
3 A (56,17) Kaita Deepforge (3) hardened iron shortsword
2 A (60,44) Tilli Thislefuzz (3) enchant chest minor mana (3) minor mana oil (3) minor wizard oil (3) lesser wizard oil (2) enchanted mageweave pouch (3) enchant 2h weapon lesser intellect
1 A (67,42) Gearcutter Cogspinner (3) gnomish universal remote (1) blue firework (3) thorium grenade (3) thorium widget
2 A (43,29) Outfitter Eric (3) lavender mageweave shirt (3) pink mageweave shirt (2) tuxedo shirt (2) tuxedo pants (2) tuxedo jacket

Stormwind City 
2 A (43,64) Jessara Cordell (3) enchant chest minor mana (3) minor mana oil (3) minor wizard oil (3) lesser wizard oil (2) enchanted mageweave pouch
1 A (29,67) Darian Singh (1) blue firework
2 A (43,74) Alexandra Bolero (3) blue overalls (2) white wedding dress

1 A (55,24) Ulthir (1) free action potion (3) great rage potion (3) superior mana potion
2 A (58,14) Vaean (3) enchant chest minor mana (3) minor mana oil (3) minor wizard oil (3) lesser wizard oil (2) enchanted mageweave pouch
2 A (60,17) Mythrin'dir (2) enchant bracer deflection (2) enchant shield greater stamina
2 A (63,22) Saenorion (3) barbaric bracers (2) green whelp bracers
3 A (64,21) Elynna (3) blue linen robe (3) orange martial shirt (3) adepts robe

3 H (46,46) Hagrus (3) rage potion (3) great rage potion
1 H (56,34) Kor'geld (1) free action potion (3) elixir of superior defense
3 H (82,23) Sumi (3) hardened iron shortsword
1 H (53,37) Kithas (3) enchant chest minor mana (3) minor mana oil (3) minor wizard oil (3) lesser wizard oil (2) enchanted mageweave pouch (1) enchant chest lesser mana (3) enchant 2h weapon lesser intellect
1 H (75,25) Sovic (1) red fireworks
3 H (62.51) Borya (3) blue linen vest (3) red wolen bag (3) blue overalls (3) lavender mageweave shirt (3) pink mageweave shirt

1 H (45,28) Nata Dawnstrider (3) enchant chest minor mana (3) minor mana oil (3) minor wizard oil (3) lesser wizard oil (2) enchanted mageweave pouch (3) enchant 2h weapon lesser intellect (1) enchant boots minor agility
3 H (43,44) Mahu (3) red linen bag (3) red wolen bag (3) orange martial shirt (3) white wedding dress

3 H (51,74) Algernon (3) elixir of shadowpower (3) superior mana potion
2 H (62,60) Thaddeus Webb (3) enchant chest minor mana (3) minor mana oil (3) minor wizard oil (3) lesser wizard oil (2) enchanted mageweave pouch
2 H (64,37) Daniel Bartlett (2) enchant bracer deflection (2) enchant shield greater stamina
2 H (70,58) Joseph Moore (3) barbaric bracers (2) green whelp bracers
3 H (70,29) Millie Gregorian (3) red woolen bag (3) greater adepts robe (2) tuxedo shirt (2) tuxedo pants (2) tuxedo jacket

2 A (50,67) Harklan Moongrove (2) shadow protection potion
2 A (35,52) Dalria (2) enchant cloak minor agility (3) enchant bracerlesser strength
1 N (18,59) Harlown Darkweave (1) herbalist gloves
3 A (34,49) Lardan (3) barbaric leggings

1 N (45,90) Jubie Gadgetspring (1) deepdive helmet (path down at 45,88)
1 N (45,90) Blimo Gadgetspring (1) blue dragonscale breastplate (1) chimeric gloves(path down at 45,88)

3 N (61,38) Ranik (3) rage potion (3) blue linen robe (3) greater adept's robe
3 H (51,30) Hula'Mahi (3) holy protection potion
2 N (62,36) Gagsprocket (2) green firework
2 N (??,??) Kalldan Fellmoon (2) deviate scale cloak (2) deviate scale gloves
3 H (52,31) Wrahk (3) blue linen vest (3) red wolen bag (3) blue linen robe
3 H (44,59) Yonada (3) blue overalls (3) red woolen bag
3 H (41,38) Kiknikle (3) red woolen bag

3 A (37,41) Mavralyn (3) murloc scale belt (3) murloc scale breastplate
3 A (38,40) Valdaron (3) blue linen vest (3) red linen bag (3) red wolen bag

1 N (60,38) Vendor-tron 1000 (1) free action potion (3) great rage potion (3) barbaric leggings (2) green whelp bracers (1) green leather armor (2) gem studded leather belt
3 H (55,56) Muuran (3) solid iron maul
1 N (40,79) Super-Seller 680 (1) ice deflector (3) dark silk shirt (2) crimson silk cloak (2) goblin jumper cables (1) ice deflector (1) accurate scope (1) enchanters cowl
2 H (51,53) Kireena (2) azure silk gloves

Dustwallow Marsh 
3 A (66,51) Helenia Olden (3) murloc scale bracers
2 H (35,30) Ghok'kah (2) icy cloak

1 N (??,??) Shen'dralar Provisioner (in dire maul) (1) mooncloth robe

1 H (76,43) Bronk (1) nature protection potion (2) ghost dye
1 A (32,43) Logannas (1) nature protection potion (2) ghost dye
1 H (74,42) Jangdor Swiftstrider (2) green whelp bracers (1) nightscape shoulders (1) turtle scale gloves (2) living shoulders
2 A (30,42) Pratt Mcgrubben (2) green whelp bracers (1) turtle scale gloves (2) living shoulders
1 H (74,42) Worb Strongstitch (1) nightscape shoulders
2 A (88,45) Brienna Starglow (2) azure silk cloak

1 N (51,33) Darnall (1) runecloth boots (1) runecloth robe (1) runecloth cloak
1 N (48,40) Lorelae Wintersong (1) enchant cloak superior defense (1) runed arcanite rod (1) fellcloth pants

1 N (51,39) Kania (3) enchant chest minor mana (3) minor mana oil (3) minor wizard oil (3) lesser wizard oil (2) enchanted mageweave pouch (1) lesser mana oil (1) wizard oil (1) enchanted runecloth bag (1) enchanted mageweave bag
1 N (81,17) Zannok Hidepiercer (2) heavy scorpid bracers (1) heavy scorpid helm

Stonetallon Mountians 
1 H (47,61) Jeeda (1) fire protection potion
2 H (45,59) Kulwia (2) enchant cloak minor agility (3) enchant bracerlesser strength
2 N (58,51) Veenix (2) goblin jumper cables

1 N (50,26) Alchemest Petzlezugg (1) nature protection potion (3) philosiphers stone (3) transmute iron to gold (3) transmute mithril to truesilver (1) transmute arcanite
2 N (51,28) Krinkle Goodsteel (2) golden scale coif
1 N (50,27) Blizrik Buckshot (1) e-z thro dynamite II
2 N (51,27) Vizklick (2) soul pouch (2) crimson silk robe

Thousand Needles 
1 H (45,50) Montarr (1) shadow oil
3 N (77,77) Jinky Twizzlefixit (3) lovingly crafted boomstick (3) gnomish universal remote
3 H (46,51) Jandia (3) barbaric leggings

Ungoro Crater 
1 N (43,7) Nergal (1) devilsaur guantlets

1 N (60,37) Evie Whirlbrew (3) major healing potion (1) make mooncloth
1 N (61,37) Qia (1) enchant chest major health (1) runecloth bag (1) runecloth gloves (1) make mooncloth / (2) frostsaber boots
1 N (60,38) Xizzer Fizzbolt (1) gyrofreeze ice reflector (1) masterwork target dummy (3) powerful seaforium charge (2) thorium tube (2) delicate arcanite converter

Alterac Mountians 
1 A (38,38) Bro'kin (1) frost oil
1 N (47,35) Rizz Loosebolt (1) ice deflector

Arathi Highlands 
2 A (46,47) Drovnar Strongbrew (2) frost protection potion
3 A (45,47) Jannos Ironwill (3) solid iron maul
3 H (74,32) Keena (3) enchant bracer lesser deflection (3) barbaric leggings
3 A (46,47) Hammon Karwin (3) barbaric leggings
2 H (72,36) Jun'ha (2) azure silk cloak

3 N (42,52) Jazzrik (3) solid iron maul

2 N (81,19) Kzixx (3) holy protection potion (2) goblin jumper cables
1 N (18,54) Bliztik (1) shadow oil
3 A (75,45) Sheri Zipstitch (3) greater adepts robe (3) dark silk shirt
2 A (75,45) Danielle Zipstitch (2) bright yellow shirt

Eastern Plaguelands
1 N (80,57) Jase Farlane (1) runic leather headband

Elwynn Forest 
3 A (41,67) Taryn Bouden (3) blue linen vest
3 A (83,66) Drake Lindgren (3) blue linen robe

Hillsbrad Foothils 
2 H (62,19) Christoff Jeffcoat (2) shadow protection potion (3) thick murloc armor
1 A (50,57) Nandar Branson (1) fire protection potion
1 N (00,00) Zixil (1) enchant boots minor agility (3) red woolen bag (2) goblin jumper cables (3) earthen leather shoulders
2 A (48,55) Micha Yance (3) enchant bracer lesser deflection (3) thick murloc armor / (2) icy cloak
1 N (84,18) Zan Shivspocket (1) gnomish cloaking device
1 N (34,37) Ruppo Zipcoil (1) mithril mechanical dragonling
1 N (34,38) Gigget Zipcoil (1) ironfeather shoulders
1 H (91,38) George Candarte (1) green leather armor
3 H (61,20) Mallen Swain (3) blue overalls (3) dark silk shirt

2 A (13,44) Harggan (2) mithril scale bracers
1 A (13,43) Nioma (1) nightscape shoulders

Loch Modan 
3 A (82,63) Xandar Goodbeard (3) rage potion (3) holy protection potion
3 A (34,45) Rann Flamespinner (3) red wolen bag (3) greater adepts robe

Redridge Mountians
1 A (88,70) Clyde Ranthal (1) black whelp cloak
1 A (29,47) Amy Davenport (1) black whelp tunic (3) red wolen bag

Silverpine Forrest 
2 ? (53,82) Leo Sarn (3) enchant chest minor mana (3) minor mana oil (3) minor wizard oil (3) lesser wizard oil (2) enchanted mageweave pouch (3) enchant 2h weapon lesser intellect
1 ? (43,50) Lilly (3) enchant chest minor mana (3) minor mana oil (3) minor wizard oil (3) lesser wizard oil (2) enchanted mageweave pouch (1) enchant chest lesser mana
3 H (43,40) Andrew Hilbert (3) murloc scale belt (3) murloc scale breastplate (3) red linen bag (3) blue linen robe

Stranglethorn Vale
1 N (28,78) Glyx Brewright (2) frost protection potion (1) nature protection potion
3 N (27,77) Jutak (3) hardened iron shortwsword
3 N (35,10) Jaqulina Dramet (3) massive iron axe
3 H (23,27) Vharr (3) massive iron axe
2 N (28,76) Crazk Sparks (2) green fireworks
1 N (28,75) Mazk Snipeshot (1) accurate scope (1) truesilver transformer
1 N (50,35) Gnaz Blunderflame (1) mechanical dragonling
1 N (51,35) Knaz Blunderflame (1) deadly scope
3 N (28,77) Blixrez Goodstitch (3) thick murloc armor (3) murloc scale bracers
1 N (28,76) Rikqiz (2) gem studded leather belt (1) shadowskin gloves
2 N (28,74) Xizk Goodstitch (2) crimson silk cloak (2) enchanters cowl
1 N (28,74) Narkk (1) black swashbucklers shirt
1 N (27,82) Cowardly Crosby (1) admirals hat

Swamp of Sorrows 
2 H (45,51) Gharash (2) mithril scale bracers
2 H (44,56) Banalash (2) enchant bracer deflection
1 N (26,31) Masat T'andar (1) green dragonscale breastplate

Trisifall Glades 
1 H (83,69) Werg Thickblade (2) wicked leather gauntlets (1) stormshroud pants

Western Plaguelands 
1 A (43,84) Leonard Porter (2) wicked leather gauntlets (1) stormshroud pants

3 N (43,46) Defias Profiteer (3) rage potion
3 A (57,53) Gina Macgreggor (3) murloc scale belt (3) murloc scale breastplate (3) red linen bag (3) blue overalls

3 N (26,25) Fradd Swiftgear (3) lovingly crafted boomstick (3) minor recombobulator
2 N (25,25) Wenna Silkbeard (2) red whelp gloves (2) azure silk gloves (1) green leather armor
3 A (8,55) Jennabink Powerseam (3) red woolen bag (3) greater adepts

Well I hope this helps you find what you are looking for. If you are looking for other helpful tips, check out the rest of the guides on this site.

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